The old cabin

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Early the next morning, Badge, Rocky and Digger went outside to go patrolling their territory.

 As they did, the badgers noticed that they were wandering farther off into the forest. 

Seeing that the sunlight was barely peeking through the tree branches, the badgers dug underground for a while. 

Soon, the three Stone clan badgers dug up out of the ground and ended up in front of an old wooden cabin.

They sat there in the ground looking up at the old establishment, surprised that it was there after such a long time of not being in use.

After they crawled out of the dirt, Digger and his grandsons walked up to the cabin and decided to take a look around. 

The windows on the cabin were still in good shape, and even though the wood was old, it still held up the roof.

After they walked around the cabin and stood on an old wooden crate, the badgers took a look inside through one of the windows.

When they looked in the cabin, they saw that it was quite dusty, and the red and white carpet that covered  the floor under the easy chair was old and the design was partially fading.

The furniture was in a fair state, although the easy chair that sat in the right corner had a few patches in it.

There was also a cougar skin rug that lay across the floor in front of the fireplace. So the person who lived in the cabin must've been a poacher 

The badgers decided to stop looking through the window, and tried to find a way inside the cabin.

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