chapter twenty-eight

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leo narrowed his eyes at me and neymar, he'd been watching us with a strange expression for the last twenty minutes, and i could tell that he wanted to say something, but there was something stopping him.

he hummed to himself in an attempt to get our attention, but neymar only pulled his cap further down his face, throwing his middle finger up in leo's direction.

"stop fucking doing that." he mumbled as he folded his arms over his chest, "it's annoying."

"are you not even going to ask me what's wrong?" leo scoffed, "because,"

"leo. shut the fuck up." neymar pulled the cap away from his face, "some of us are actually trying to relax."

"when're you not relaxing neymar." leo raised an eyebrow at his friend, "when was the last time you played in a match? or even showed up to training?"

"not now." neymar waved him away, "you've been pissy all week, are you on your period or something?"

"let's not argue now." luis chimed in, "this is the first time we've been together in a while."

"this bitch is brave." neymar rolled his eyes, "wearing white shorts on his ladies days. finally figured out how to put a tampon in?"

"what are you, sex deprived or something? because i'm getting that pussy, maybe madelyn can help you out with your dilemma." leo looked over to me, "just make sure he takes his viagra first, because he struggles to get it up."

"i need a drink." i shook my head at leo, "don't be bitchy."

"yeah, i'm coming with you." neymar nodded, grabbing my hand for me to pull him up.

"well i'm going inside, it's getting dark." luis stood from his own seat, "leo?"

❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

"struggle to get it up, yeah?" i laughed at neymar as we headed back to our seats.

"go away." he rolled his eyes and pushed me slightly, causing me to lose my balance, and it was just my luck that we were stood next to a pool.

"neymar!" i tried to catch my balance by holding onto his arm, but by this point it was already too late. "neymar, you stupid idiot!" i glared up at him from the pool.

"oh my god." he snorted, "sorry, i didn't realise we were so close to the edge."

"are you going to help me out or not?" i reached my hand up for him to take, but when he grabbed it to help pull me out, i pulled him in.

"my hair!" he splashed me once he'd emerged from the water, "it looked so good today too."

i splashed him back, moving to the other end of the pool so that he couldn't splash me again.

"y'know what i've never done?" he looked around before swimming closer to me.

"what? fingered your bum?" i laughed at my own joke, "i can't say that i've done that myself."

"i've never gone skinny dipping." he grinned at me, "first time for everything, though. right?"

i stared at him, gobsmacked, as he started to remove his clothes and throw them onto the side of the pool, "you're not going to make me do this alone, are you?"

"like, dick out and everything?" i shook my head at him, "please don't."

"oh come on." he swan towards me, while also trying to take off his boxers. "i've already seen your tits, what's the big deal. not to toot my own horn, but i think i've got a pretty nice dick."

"you can't go under, okay?" i swam towards the edge, "remember that you've got a girlfriend."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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