chapter twenty-seven

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"fuck me, it's so beautiful." i rested my arms over the railing of the boat, looking up at neymar, "this is actually quite sweet."

"hm." he shrugged, looking out over the sunset, "it's nice."

"nice? neymar, this is fucking incredible! we can't be looking at the same thing if you think that it's just 'nice.' you're crazy." i shook my head at him.

"okay." he rolled his eyes, resting in the same position as me now, "i guess it's pretty beautiful."

"you knew it was going to be beautiful, or you wouldn't have brought us here." i told him, "if it wasn't going to be beautiful, we could've just gone to mcdonald's."

"what? and used your employee discount?" he laughed, "no thanks."

i scoffed at his words, slapping the back of his neck lightly, "can you take a picture for me?"

"of what?" he frowned at me, "myself?"

"don't be thick ney...mar. no, sorry, doesn't work. we're sticking with neymar." i shook my head, putting my phone in his hands.

"why? it's so long to say madelyn every time, and you know i can't call you a nickname if you keep calling me neymar." he opened the camera app, "turn around."

"so what?" i turned so my back was towards the camera, and the sunset was behind me "just call me mads."

"no, come on, it'll be so weird for me to call you that when you call me by my full name." i heard the camera shutter go off, "want it with flash?"

"um, no. no flash. what about i call you, jeez, ney is the only nickname for your name." i turned back to face him, "junior? i like that, i could call you that, or neyjay."

"neyjay?" he rolled his eyes, "stick with junior."

"get in this one, take a selfie with me." i pulled him by his arm so that we were both stood with the sunset in the background.

"i'm not going to call you mads. if you get to call me a different nickname, then i think i should get to pick yours." he told me, holding the phone up to get us both in the frame. "okay, i can't think of one, we'll keep mads for now."

"most uncreative motherfucker i've ever met." i laughed at him, "no, wait delete that." i reached for the phone when i realised he'd taken the photo already, "neymar!"

"you look good. i'm not deleting it." he nudged my shoulder, "i'm sending it to myself."

"you're so fucking annoying." i watched him search his own name up in my contacts. "don't do anything with it."

"like what?" he clicked on himself, "i watch porn, this picture really won't do anything for me."

"erm." i frowned at him, "i could've lived my life quite happily without that piece of information."

"what? we all do it, it's not a crime." he shrugged, "you can't say you've never watched it, can you?"

"well, yeah, i have. like once or twice though, it's not a common occurrence." i told him, "and you've got a girlfriend, you're saying she doesn't mind?"

"she doesn't know." he told me, "and why would she mind anyway? it's porn."

"you're literally watching other girls get fucked by guys. why wouldn't she mind?" i shook my head at it, "i'd mind."

"firstly, i watch lesbian porn. much better than regular, and secondly, it's only like once or twice a week, i'm telling you, she wouldn't care."

"whatever you say, junior." i rolled my eyes at him.

short part but i really need to get back into posting chaos for you guys!!!

𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 - 𝐍𝐞𝐲𝐦𝐚𝐫 𝐉𝐫Where stories live. Discover now