chapter twenty-two

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i was sat with anto, waiting for the players to come out onto the pitch. this whole thing seemed to be dragging on forever.

we could see them in the tunnel on the other side of the pitch, and we could see leo stood at the front of the line of his teammates, but he had his back to us, and even if he had been facing in our direction, we were too far away to make any kind of contact with him.

i had resorted to instagram for an ounce of entertainment, but there really wasn't much on my feed.

a sound of clattering to the right of me caught my attention, making me look up from my phone. there was a woman there, she looked at few years or so younger than me, and she was wearing a neymar jersey with a pair of stilettos and skinny jeans.

"hi!" she waved over at me, "you must be ney's girlfriend. wow, you're so much prettier than he described."

i smiled up at her, shaking my head slightly, i went to correct her, but mariela beat me to it.

"er, no." mariela rolled her eyes, "i'm his girlfriend, she's just, well, whatever she is."

"oh, right." the girl forced a laugh at mariela's words, "you're pretty too."

"i'm maddie." i smiled up at her, "nice to meet you."

"rafaella, but you can call me rafa. i'm ney's sister." she told me as she took the seat next to me, "you're gorgeous by the way."

"thank you." i grinned over at her, "so are you."

"ahem." anto cleared her throat from the other side of me, "nice to see you too, rafa."

"oh, anto. oh my gosh, totally forgot, how've you been?" rafa leaned across me to speak to anto, "where's mateo?"

"home babes, i couldn't bring him this time." she explained, "come to the house when we get back, and you can see him."

"can you be quiet." mariela shushed us, "they're coming out, and you're being disrespectful."

"what's her problem?" rafa laughed, "who shoved their foot up her arse?"

me and anto both laughed before turning our attention onto the players that were now walking into the middle of the pitch.

"he's so fucking sexy." i whispered to anto as neymar walked on, "like. shit."

"ew." rafa grimaced, "that's so disgusting."

❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

the match ended 2-1 to barcelona, and they had all gone back into the tunnel, so now we were just waiting for them to change and come out.
"you know," rafa started, "i was really excited when i thought that you were his girlfriend. and now that i've started to get to know you, i sort of wish it was you instead of mariela."

"don't say that," i pushed my finger to her lips, "that's so mean, and she might hear."

"i couldn't give a toss if she hears or not." she shrugged, "she's been a bitch to me all night."

"but still, i don't want to upset her." i told her, "i don't want to make her feel bad"

the door to the box swung open and neymar walked in, dragging leo along by his collar.

"get off!" leo shrieked, "neymar, stop, or i'll tell!"

"shut up." neymar threw him down to the floor, quite aggressively to be honest, but leo seemed to just bounce right back up.

"ney!" mariela flung her arms around his neck, pulling him into a sloppy disgusting kiss. "you played so well."

i fake gagged and rolled my eyes at the interaction, we were all just watching them, waiting for them to get the hint and move away from the door so that we could all leave.

"hm," he kissed her forehead, "treat me tonight?"

"oh that is grim!" rafa pushed past them towards the door, "none of us needed to know that."

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