chapter eighteen

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"she's here." leo let out a deep sigh of frustration as he approached the table, "i don't know why he thought it was a good idea to bring her, but he has, and now i've got to spend a whole week with her."

"a smidge of an explanation would be helpful, leo." i shook my head, getting up to greet him.

"you'll see soon enough." he told me as he hugged me, "because they've invited themselves to our brunch."

i looked behind him, to try and see who he was talking about, but i couldn't actually notice anybody that he might've been talking about.

"where's anto?" i asked, sitting back down at the table.

"she's not getting here until thursday because she didn't want to leave the boys for the whole week." he explained, looking over his shoulder for whoever he had previously been talking about.

"oh that's a shame, i was really looking forwards to seeing her." i pouted, "well, what about luis? where's he?"

"he's coming." he sunk down into his chair, "get down. they're coming!"

i looked over his head to see luis, neymar and some girl who i'd never seen before, but i assumed that it was mariela.

"well they've seen you now!" leo hissed as he sat back in a normal position, "two words for you today. good luck."

"shut up." i waved over to the group, "you're being childish."

"fine." he huffed, "suit yourself, you'll regret it."

the group walked over to us, both luis and neymar shooting leo odd looks as they got closer.

leo folded his arms over his chest and let out yet another dramatic sigh when the three of them started taking their seats.

"leo, what is your problem?" luis frowned at him.

"nothing. absolutely nothing." he shrugged, "only, i was looking forwards to our lunch with maddie, were you not, luis?"

luis nodded, "yes, and now were on our lunch with her, so what's the problem?"

"now, luis, do you remeber, when we planned our little rendezvous together. do you?" he leaned towards the man. "because i do."

"right, right, no." i waved my hands in front of their faces, "let's not do this right now."

"yeah, leo if there's something wrong we can always go out again tomorrow." luis suggested.

"no, i can't." i shook my head at the two, "i've got to work."

"you work?" leo frowned at me, genuinely shocked, "like, you've got a job?"

"yes." i laughed at him, "i've got a job."

"seriously? no offence or anything, i just didn't think you'd have a job." luis shook his head, "now that i'm thinking about it though, you do look like you could work in a dentists."

"ooh, yes!" leo nodded his head, "or like a secretary."

"guys." i shook my head again, "i work in mcdonald's."

"mcdonald's?" leo's mouth dropped open, "not that there's anything wrong with working in mcdonald's!"

"i get free food." i told them, "so it's really not that bad, apart from the constant beeping noise."

"mcdonald's, seriously?" mariela finally spoke up, "you are joking right?"

"uhm." i bit on my lip, "no? is there something wrong with that?" i looked between the other three at the table, a sudden wave of insecurity flushing over me.

"better than being a gold digging whore." leo muttered under his breath.

"so, uh, can you get us free food?" luis tried to lighten the mood, "free food always tastes better."

"what do you need free food for?" mariela scoffed, "you're rich."

"mari." neymar nudged her, "stop."

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