chapter fifteen

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"mads, come on." aimee shook her head at me, "it's simple, you're either into him or you're not."

"it's not simple though. like he's nice to look at," i told her, "he's mean, i like mean, but i really dunno. he didn't seem that into me."

"who wouldn't be into you." she unlocked her phone and started going through it, "send him a tit pic, see how he reacts."

i frowned over at her, unlocking my own phone and opening the unread message from leo. i scanned the words briefly before turning back to aimee, "he's already seen them." i looked back at his message, trying to decipher what exactly he was attempting to say.

"is that him?" she leaned her head over to see my screen. i angled it more so that it was in that direction. "leo? not to be rude or anything, but like, what's wrong with him?"

"nothing, i don't think." i shrugged at her, "he's just a bit weird."

"but he can think in a straight line?" she nodded, "right?"

"yes?" she laid her hands out in front of me as if what she was trying to say was obvious, but i just wasn't getting it. "what?"

"ask him how neymar feels about you." i rolled my eyes at her suggestion, "i'm being serious mads, he's gonna know, isn't he?"

"if a boy asked you how i feel about him, you'd tell me, would you not?" she nodded, "so why would leo not tell neymar, that's more embarrassing than me just asking him myself."

she shrugged, "fair enough. but how else are you going to find out how he feels? i was joking about sending him your tits."

"i'm not sending him any nudes." i laughed at her, "i'm not that fussed to find out."


"okay i am that fussed." i shrugged.

❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

"you watching tonight?" my dad asked my from across the table.

"hm?" i prodded at my sausage with my fork, "watching what?"

"stop playing with your food." my mum shook her head at me, "i spent time cooking it."

"it's bangers and mash, you don't exactly put much effort into that." charlie rolled his eyes at her, "mash is lumpy anyway."

"char." i shook my head at him, "stop being such a bitch."

"your boyfriend's playing tonight." max told me, slapping the back of charlie's neck lightly.

i smiled a bit at his words, "neymar?"

"no boyfriends." my dad dropped his fork down onto his plate, "not until you've moved out."

"he's not my boyfriend, dad." i glanced down at the message from leo on my home screen.

boyfriends playing tonight :)

"so why're you grinning at your phone?" max smirked, "sexy boy messaging you?"

"don't call him that." i grimaced at his words, "you're so gross. and don't smirk, you're ugly."

you watching??

"sexy boy messaging you?" charlie joined in, "no, i'm sorry, i'll never say that again. it was disgusting."

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