chapter fourteen

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"guys." leo continued to talk to his phone, "i won't lie to you. you know i'd never do that, but i'm genuinely scared. what if someone came and took them?"

i pressed my lips together, a laugh threatening to spill from my mouth if i opened it.

"well. if they are dead," leo tapped on the dresser in the room, "then we may as well see what kind of stuff maddies got, right?"

i could hear him walking around the room, pulling draws open.

"what's this!" my heart rate increased, "a blue dildo!"

i could feel neymar's eyes burning into me, and even though i knew leo had most definitely not found a blue dildo, because i do not own one, i was still mortified.

"oops," leo giggled, "not a dildo! it's sun cream?"

it was starting to get hot inside the wardrobe and i was hoping that leo would find us soon so that we could finally come out.

"hm!" his voice was getting closer, "clothes? no, guys come on, she's already packed her bags, she won't have any out."

i rolled my eyes to myself as his footsteps faded away, "might go and see what her brothers are up to."

i looked up at neymar, and i'm sure that we were both starting to worry that he'd never find us.

"aha!" leo shouted, "oh. no guys, i didn't find them."

"come on." i whispered to neymar, "he's never going to find us."

he shook his head and pulled me closer to him, placing his hand back over my mouth, it was an awkward type of position, with my arms squashed between us, and i wasn't really sure what to do with them, so i just wrapped them around him, getting rid of any space left between us as i did. he did the same, wrapping his free arm around my waist.

the hotel room door creaked open and then slammed shut and there was complete silence in the room.

"don't say anything." neymar whispered, "we don't know that he actually left."

i nodded my head and we stood in silence for a few moments before the door creaked open again, "boys i'm telling you, they're gone."

"gone where?" charlie responded, "leo, trust me, i know my sister, and that cunt wouldn't have just let someone take her, we would've heard her."

"yeah." max piped up, "maybe they've gone to get food?"

"that is a possibility. alright guys, we may have a lead on them." he was talking to his phone again.

"oh!" the wardrobe door flew open, "found them."

leo and max both turned their heads to us and leo fumbled around on his phone, i'm pretty sure he was turning the camera around because he held the phone up with the camera facing towards us.

"what on earth are you doing!" leo held his hand to his heart, "you had me worried sick! you had us worried sick!" he motioned his finger between himself and his phone.

"you're so slow." neymar stepped out, "we were literally talking and you still didn't find us."

"this was part of your plan, wasn't it you little whore!" leo narrowed his eyes at neymar, "what would you have done to the poor girl if we hadn't found you when we had?"

"me!" neymar spun around to face me, "if anything, she was the one coming onto me!"

"i what?" i raised my eyebrows at his words, "nobody was coming onto anyone."

"you know what i want to see?" neymar moved closer to leo, "i want to see the blue dildo."

"what blue dildo?" charlie grimaced.

"maddies blue dildo." he led neymar over to the drawer.

"i don't have a blue dildo!" i defended myself, "i don't have any dildos!"

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