chapter ten

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"madelyn?" there was a knock at my hotel room door, "madelyn, open the door, leo told me this was your room."

i walked towards the door, still trying to blend in my makeup before it dried out, "coming!"

"madelyn, can you like, hurry?" there was an urgency in his voice as he knocked on the door again, "there's kind of a crowd out here."

"crowd?" i pulled the door open, stepping to the side so that he could enter the room, "neymar, why are you here so early?"

"excuse me?" he raised a brow at my words, "this is the time i was told to be here."

"no." i shook my head, "leo said you three were getting here for eleven, i only got out of bed about an hour ago."

"madelyn." he scrunched his face up, "it's half past eleven. we've been waiting for you for half an hour."

"oh." i walked back into the bathroom, leaving him in the main part of the hotel room, "sorry."

"how long are you going to be?" he asked, "should i tell leo and anto to come up?"

"no, no." i stuck my head out of the bathroom, "ten minutes, i promise."

he nodded, throwing himself down on my bed, "i'd recommend wearing a top with straps today." he laughed, earning a middle finger from me.

"where are we even going, i kind of need to know that before i get dressed."

"leo didn't tell you?"

i rolled my eyes to myself, "do you think i'd be asking if leo had told me?"

"fair." he nodded, "we're just going to some beach."

"right." i nodded, "so i need to chose a bikini?"

"meu deus." neymar sucked on his teeth, "how longs that gonna take?"

"not too long." i shrugged, "you pick one if you don't want to wait, they're in the bag by the door."

"these..." he held up a pair of bikini bottoms, "these are clothes?"

"huh?" i once again had to stick my head out of the bathroom, "well for starters, you're holding it sideways." i shook my head and adjusted the bottoms in his hands.

"oh, well i don't like this one anyway." he tossed it back into the bag and rummaged around in it until he found a bikini that he liked. "so like, are you gonna put it on out here?"

"shut the fuck up, neymar." i laughed out, "five more minutes, i promise."

he nodded, going to sit back down on the bed, but his head shot up when the door to the room was pushed open.

"mads!" i rolled my eyes at my brothers voice, "is this a pisstake or something?"

charlie completely missed neymar's presence and walked straight into the bathroom, stopping for a moment before turning around to face the footballer on my bed.

"hi." neymar waved at him.

"what the fuck?" charlie shook his head to himself, "why didn't you tell us he was going to be here!"

"charles." i scoffed at him, "don't be rude, say hello."

"my name isn't charles." he stuck his middle finger up at me before turning back to neymar, "hi."

"what were you talking about anyway?" i stepped out of the bathroom so that i was standing between the two, "what's a pisstake?"

"where are you going?" he frowned down at my outfit.

"he's so nosy." i shook my head at neymar.

"my sisters the same." he laughed, "i always wished i had a brother."

"having brothers is actually a curse." i looked over to charlie, "where's max? why are you bothering me and not him?"

almost as if i had summoned him, max appeared in the doorway, "hello neymar!" he grinned over at the man, "long time no speak!"

"oh for gods sake." i looked between max and charlie, "is he drunk?"

max had moved over to neymar on the bed and was now babbling on about some nonsense as if he'd known the man his entire life.

"both of you." i pointed at my brothers, "go away, i'm going out."

max shook his head, falling back into the pillows, "it's so weird, i was thinking about it the other day, i'm the only one out of us three that didn't fail any of my GCSEs. i'm the smart sibling!"

"unfair." charlie defended himself, "i failed one, and it was english. seeing as i do actually have a disability, i think that kinda overrules the grade."

neymar looked up at me, startled at charlie's words.

"right, time for you two to leave, we can have this discussion when i get back." i opened the door for them, shooing them out.

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