House of Cotton Candy Part 3

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A/n: Unfortunately I couldn't find the artist but you can easily find this on Pinterest

Fizzarolli: Welcome, welcome, to Ozzie's: Lust ring's number 1 place for all kinds of sick twisted fantasies.

As Fizzarolli continues talking Y/n comes up with a plan.

Y/N: Okay if Moxxie does perform on stage more than likely Fizzarolli will have to introduce him. I'll wait until Moxxie is on stage before fighting Fizzarolli, that would be the plan if this illusion was tangible. It's gonna require a lot of focus to do that and I can't exactly focus with what Vee is doing to my real body. If I could Enchant her that would give me a very brief window.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Verosika rips Y/n's shirt open. 

Y/N: Oh hey before I forget I might get spaghettified at some point, don't freak out, I'm just cursed. I've been teleporting all over Hell.

Verosika: What?! Are you sure you're okay?

Y/N: Yes, I'm fine.

Verosika: Then we better be quick.

She says as she pulls him in for a kiss, giving him the opportunity to Enchant her.

Y/N: Sorry, Vee.

He successfully enchants her and quickly casts a spell to make his duplicate tangible.

Y/N: Yes! It worked.

Verosika then continues making out with him as she undoes his belt. Meanwhile with the duplicate.

Fizzarolli: So, without wasting any more time, our little opening act is a fresh one! Coming at us from a little imp from the Wrath Ring, give it up for Moxxie...with no creative stage name whatsoever.

As Moxxie takes the stage he says he's written a song for Millie for their anniversary and Fizzarolli joins Asmodeus in his booth overlooking the stage. As he does he drops the duplicates invisibility.

Y/N: Hello gentlemen!

He says as he tackles Fizzarolli, the two stumble down a flight of stairs and start fighting backstage.

Fizzarolli: Who the hell are you supposed to be?!

Y/N: I'm the guy who burned Loo Loo Land to the ground!

He says while headbutting Fizzarolli in his nose causing the jester to stumble back a bit.

Y/N: I will say, that wasn't personal. I was just trying to protect my friends. This isn't personal either.

He says as he conjures a flathead screwdriver to take apart his arms.

Asmodeus: Froggy?

Y/n turns around to Asmodeus staring down at them, he then leaps down to where to two are.

Y/N: Oh...hehe Mr. Oz... A pleasure to finally meet you, Beelzebub has talked a bit about you.

Asmodeus: You better back the fuck up human!

Asmodeus reaches for Y/n who ducks and rolls out of the way. Fizzarolli reaches out grabs him by wrist and then again by the waist.

Y/N: Like I said gentlemen, this is nothing personal. That's my friend performing out there and I wanted it to go...well...I probably shouldn't have said that.

Asmodeus grabs Y/n's head and crushes it, destroying the illusion. Unfortunately for Y/n, his body warps away right as he finishes with Verosika. He reappears in the bushes of Beelzebub's mansion.

Y/N: AH DAMN IT! Well at the very least Vee is in higher spirits so hopefully, she won't escalate things.

As he climbs out of the bush he quickly makes his way inside catching a lot of curious eyes of the hellhounds and other demon party-goers.

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