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September 9th of 2016

Kosei High somehow made it to Hawaii instead of Los Angeles. Fortunately there was an empty hotel for the entire group to stay in, which was coincidentally next to the hotel Shujin Academy was staying in. Due to their plans being disrupted, the teachers decided to just let the Kosei High students run wild in Hawaii, with the limitation of the expected return to hotel time being 8 pm for dinner.

Yusuke did plan on taking photos of the scenery, but remembered that the Phantoms were all in the same area and he decided to surprise them. 

"Whoa Yusuke?! Dude, you scared me-" Ryuji shouted, so loud that Ann slapped him on the shoulder with a glare. 

"Well since we're all here, it's like Japan again. Though without Futaba and Morgana of course, we should get them souvenirs while we're here." Makoto said, trying to break the brewing argument between Ann and Ryuji.

"There's a shopping mall nearby and I totally want some new clothes! Come on let's go!" Ann said, dragging Ryuji with her despite his protests. 

Makoto sighed and followed behind them, while Akira talked with Yusuke as they trailed behind. 

Hanae was with Hifumi, walking around the same shopping mall that the Phantoms were going to, they were out shopping for clothes and souvenirs. As promised, Hanae took Hifumi to different food stores, ranging from shaved-ice to mochi, tropical drink stores and small savoury bites. Though after a while, Hifumi took her leave to rest in their hotel room for awhile. Just as Hanae left the mall to head to the beach, she bumped into Yusuke with the phantoms.

"Yusuke! Its nice to see you again!" she beamed while waving at him, only to catch a glimpse of familiar people near him. "Oh? Kurusu-kun and the guy I gave my autograph?"

Akira waved while Ryuji's jaw dropped, the blonde shook the other confused and in shock.

"Dude, Yusuke, how'd you get a girl and I didn't?!" Ryuji shouted, giving an annoyed glare at the artist while shooting another one at Akira. "And you too! Aren't we bros?!"

"We are merely friends Ryuji, do mind your voice level." Yusuke replied, shooting a glare back.

Makoto and Ann returned to the scene after they shopped, glancing between the guys and Hanae.

"Hey you guys! And the pianist? Oh you're from Kosei!" Ann said.

It was an awkward 30 seconds between the group, all Hanae could do was give an embarrassed smile as she waited for someone to start the conversation again. 

"So, you know Yusuke correct?" Makoto started, clearing her throat and nudging Ann to follow along. 

"Oh yes, we're good friends." Hanae replied, bowing her head slightly to her elder.

"Dude, so many surprises in one day..." Ryuji groaned, hanging his head down while Akira patted him on the back.

"Its good to see you Uchida-san." Akira said, patting Ryuji's back one last time before leaving him alone.

"And to you! Ah I should introduce myself, I'm Hanae Uchida, second year at Kosei High's music program, a pleasure to meet you all, do call me Hanae! You too Kurusu-kun."

"You got it."

"Have you been shopping just now? You seem to be carrying a bag of quite the bunch." Makoto asked, glancing at her bag. 

"I was with Hifumi Togo, maybe you know her? We had some lovely food here."

Ryuji coughed, another girl he most likely would never talk to.

"Want to go shopping together? We should totally get to know each other!" Ann said, walking closer to Hanae and wrapping her arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah sure! I was going to walk alone after she left but I do want to get to know you both."

And with that, the girls walked away back into the shopping mall.

"You both know her? Come on guys...don't leave me out." Ryuji groaned, glaring at the two guys.

"I was not aware Akira knew her, besides, I doubt she would talk to you." Yusuke replied.

"I agree with him." Akira added, placing his arm on Yusuke's shoulder.

"That's harsh..."

After a hour, the girls returned to find the guys all tired from asking the locals about the Phantom Thieves.

Hanae said her good byes and before she headed back, tilted her head to ask if Yusuke was coming or not. He nodded and the two made their way back to their hotel.

The rest of the Phantoms watched from behind, giggling at Yusuke.

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