
78 3 0

May 19th of 2016

Hanae took a step back, the weight of the boy was a bit too much despite his fragility. She glanced at his head which was gently snuggled on her shoulder, moving her arms upwards to give him a small hug of reassurance. But it was getting late and she knew she couldn't just leave the sleeping artist, she tried to think of a solution, when her eyes caught onto his key ring.

"Sorry Kitagawa-kun, I'm going to have to um, steal your keys..." she whispered, reaching for his key ring with one hand while the other continued to hug the resting artist. She realised that she was most likely too weak to even carry him into the house, or even get to the door and unlock it with Yusuke hunched on her. Sighing, she released him and lifted him on her back, quickly walking to door and unlocking it as her back was giving up soon. It was only to her horror that, there were stairs. Gulping, she continued to carry Yusuke on her back and up the stairs, and finally made it to his room, which unfortunately, was locked after his escape into the metaverse. Slightly tired at this point, she turned the keys into the lock and opened the door, lifting him to his mattress and then quickly rushing down the stairs to lock the main door.

After the door was locked, she glanced around although it seemed impolite to do so in someones house.

 It dawned on her when she realised why Yusuke didn't eat that much. 

The kitchen was filled with barely anything and the floors creaked each time she walked. She was hoping to find at least hot water for Yusuke, but there was not even a water boiler for her to use. All the cups were left unwashed and she could see a few cockroaches crawling around, trying not to yelp, she covered her mouth and walked back up the floors.

Thankfully Madarame was at his mistress' house and Hanae could stay by Yusuke's side for the night, though she herself didn't know about this second house and thought that Madarame was at his gallery or something. It was the least of her concern right now as its not everyday someone would just fall onto your arms all tired.

She quietly entered Yusuke's room and sat on the floor, observing the boy as he slept on his thin mattress. She saw the blank canvas and sighed, it must be hard for him, she thought, glancing back at him. She got up and tidied away his art supplies, but suddenly turning her attention to the few female clothing on the floor. Bewildered, she folded the clothes and placed it next to his supplies, telling herself that it was most likely some model who forgot to take their clothes back. Though it sounded somewhat unreasonable to her, she shook her head and continued to tidy his room. 

She sat next to him again after the room was fully tidied, brushing his tangled hair and keeping them away from his eyes. There was no blanket in the room so Hanae placed her trench coat on Yusuke, the room was pretty cold as the windows couldn't close that much. The moment she placed it on him, she glanced at his fingers.

"Kitagawa-kun...what happened to you...why are there blood on all of your fingers-?" she whispered again, the words spoken barely above the sound of the cool breeze. As a pianist, this sight pained her too much and she took her towel to try and wipe off the blood. It wasn't that bad after she cleaned it off, but some of his fingers were bruised at its tips, causing her to worry a lot.

With the keys still on her, she left the house quietly and made her way to the nearby 777. She bought food and hot water, bandages and fever packs, and lastly, a blueberry flavoured lollipop. Why? Because she just thought that sweets would make someone's day better, especially when their fingers are dripping with blood.

She returned to the shack again and kneeled next to Yusuke, the mattress was not that tall so she could reach it, but it concerned her how flimsy it was. She made a note to herself to get Yusuke better furniture and unboxed the bandages.

"This might sting a little..." she quietly said, reaching for his hands and grasping them softly. She had some lavender oil on her because of her daily stomach aches, and she was more than happy to use it all on Yusuke. He twitched and narrowed his eyebrows slightly when the bruise seemed to be worse on some fingers, causing Hanae to pause a bit and she softly brushed his hair to calm him down. 

When she was done, she let go of his hands and placed it back by his sides, only for the sleeping artist to grab her wrist firmly.


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