
44 2 0

June 26th of 2016

Though Yusuke did arrive to the club on time, he decided to buy a few snacks for her as the performance did end a bit late. As he returned to the entrance, he saw a familiar face. Akira stood in front of the bar with Akechi next to him, smiling and leading him in. Yusuke trailed behind them silently and took a seat just two tables away, thankfully he did have enough cash to get a drink and a snack, though the money was actually Hanae's as she felt bad that he was cast out of the shack. 

While he admired her performance that she poured her heart onto, Akira sat beside Akechi discussing about random topics that came to mind.

"How are you enjoying the music Akira? My friend told me to come and watch her performance for him, he's been busy these days." Akechi started as there was a short intermission for Hanae to drink some water.

"It's pretty good, better than the ones I hear in the school assemblies." Akira replied, his eyes fixated on Hanae. He thought about using her abilities to improve his concentration to sound and his dexterity, encouraged by a small meow from Morgana who was hidden in the darkness and in the confines of Akira's bag.

Akira watched as she played, her fingers danced across the monochrome keys as if they had a mind of their own. Her expression, relaxed yet full of commitment to the emotion of the song. As she finished, her gave a round of applause and followed Akechi to the backstage to personally talk to her.

There she sat, in front of the dressing mirror with eyes closed, taking in deep breaths.

"Ah Uchida-san! Your performance was lovely, I sent a video to your brother! Hope he'll like it." Akechi greeted, waving at the girl. Hanae opened her eyes immediately and faced him, smiling tiredly. "And this man to my right, is Akira Kurusu, a student from Shujin."

"It's nice to meet you." Akira said, bowing slightly.

"Nice to meet you too!" Hanae giggled, she stood up and walked closer to the two. 

"I must say, I loved the performance a lot. Well then, I have matters to attend to, Akira, do you have anything you want to say? You can stay here, I must head out, see you two!" Akechi said, waving goodbye and heading out.

Hanae stared as he left, suddenly feeling a surge of awkwardness, her introverted side coming back to light. She smiled at Akira, not knowing what else to do. 

"Can you teach me how to play the piano?" Akira started, breaking the silence between the two.

"O-oh? I'm not great at teaching the piano though- "

"I just want to try it out, I think the piano is a good instrument to help me grow."

"Grow? Well you could say that...alright then, but I have a request."


"Will you help me find some inspiration for my composing? I'm just a bit shy to uh, wander around the public alone."

"It's a deal then."

And with that, Akira gained a new confidant. 

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

Yusuke sat at his seat, still enjoying his snack and drink. He noticed Akira leaving from the backstage with his phone vibrating. He waited for a few more minutes to see Hanae exiting, he walked up to her and waved. Hanae noticed and turned to face him, smiling weakly. 

"You look drained Hanae, are you feeling alright?" he asked, frowning at her face that was pale, compared to the brightness she emitted when eating her breakfast in the morning.

"I'm a bit under the weather- You came after all! Haha I didn't think you would-"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"You're too kind, why don't we head back then?"

Yusuke nodded and escorted her to the train station. The train ride wasn't that long, but he realised that she was getting abnormally tired, in a worrying speed. 

"How about I carry you back to the dorms?" he said, worried for the pianist.

"I couldn't possibly bother you with tha-"

Before she could finish her sentence, he had already lifted her onto his arms, carrying her bag and walking back to the dorm. Despite her protests, he assured her and told her to sleep. Hanae, froze and eventually succumbed to her tiredness, resting in his arms.

As Yusuke lifted her into their dorm room, he set her down on her bed. Though he knew it was uncouth to do so, he noticed red scars on her body again. But this time on her legs. He frowned and dashed to the bathroom to retrieve oil and bandages. Remembering that her face was slightly swollen a few days ago, he leaned closer to her face. Comparing the red to the pink blush she left on her table, it clearly wasn't make-up. He gently touched it with his hands, it was slightly burning. Remembering again that she once had a bruise on the back of her legs, he checked on it, he was relieved it was healing, but hints of red was still plastered on it. 

Yusuke sighed and sat next to her, waiting for her to wake up and shower. And after that, he would have to confront her. 

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