
36 3 0

August 14th of 2016

Yusuke had finally finished his series of artworks, "Hydraingea" and submitted it to an art competition for appraisal. Today was the day he would receive his reward, a shockingly fast response for a competition with thousands of submissions.

He stood outside Hanae's dorm with a satisfied smile and his winter uniform, because he thought it was more suitable than his usual dark purple attire. The door opened to reveal two glimmering emeralds peeking from the frame and at the artist. Yusuke quickly turned around and smiled.

"Hanae I seem to have won! I owe you truly a million amount of gratitude, and at the same time, I've been rewarded with money." he said, a thousand stars radiating from his presence alone and shooting them straight at the pianist, who may have seem to have just woken up.

"That's wonderful Yusuke! Did you want to celebrate? You seem to be dressed up." she replied, peeking her entire face out. She gave him a warm smile and gestured for him to come in.

"How about the Wilton Hotel buffet? From the critiques of my friends, it seems to be held in high regard."

"...You have that much money to fund that? And for two?"

"You've helped me since May and I haven't the chance to repay you with anything. So please, do allow me to take you on this trip."

"Well alright then, let me change."

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

The two walked into the buffet, delighted by the plates of food in front of them. But Yusuke was more dazzled by his friend's outfit.

She wore a dangling ruby-red heart gemstone earring with a small braid tucked behind her ear, a short dress with the light-blue skirt decorated with pastel-pink roses. She noticed him staring at her and she laughed, Yusuke smiled at the sound of her joy, it always gave himself a sense of happiness.

It was the first time he was presented with that much food, and much like Ryuji, he headed straight to the meat section. Hanae couldn't help but watch with relief to see him eat so quickly, though she was worried he might choke, it was good that he finally had food. She had her favourite foods, like the mac and cheese, and the steak, and much more. Though her main goal was to get to desserts, just like Ann had.

Hanae counted how many plates Yusuke had afterwards, a good 12 dishes in the span of 45 minutes, and he was still getting more. Meanwhile, she enjoyed herself with the chocolate and raspberry mousse, her favourite. Yet the apple crumble she had next, she claimed to have that as her favourite too.

"Hanae, do tell, what exactly is your favourite dessert? It has been changing with every bite you take in a new one." Yusuke asked, finally moving to the dessert part of the buffet with a cup of mochi and ice-cream, decorated with red beans.

"Well, I love anything to do with raspberries mixed with chocolate, and apple crumbles are great...oh and fruit tarts, and maybe even cheesecakes-?" she replied while taking a bite of her tart. 

Their time was up shortly after and the two parted ways. Yusuke had to go and buy paints, while Hanae was going to continue her deal with Akira.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

Akira sat at Jazz Jin again, waiting for the pianist to arrive. Ever since learning those skills, Ryuji commented how refined he looked while standing next to unopened doors. How he kneels and closes his eyes to focus on the humming of shadows, it just made Ryuji feel so inspired.

Hanae sat next to him shortly after he arrived, still wearing her outfit from the lunch.

"You're dressed up for the occasion huh?" Akira said, glancing at her outfit.

"I had a fancy lunch today, please don't take this as dressing up for you-" she replied, her eyes widening after realising the possible assumption. Akira laughed at her reply and assured her he didn't think of it that way.

"So then, should we start? You said you had things for inspiration?"

He placed down a bunch of things, from a Jack-frost doll, to tarot cards, to his infiltration tools, and even, a picture of Morgana.

She laughed and thanked him. Though she sighed a little after inspecting the items.

"Sorry Kurusu-kun, these days I find myself...lost? As if my music lost its touch on me, its not your fault...I just can't compose anything meaningful to me."

Akira noticed her sudden solemn expression, reminding him of Yusuke's own reaction when someone called his art 'empty'. He thought it was something all art students were to face during their time in the program.

"No worries, we'll find something sooner or later."

"Thank you Kurusu-kun, I appreciate the support."

Rank 3

+ 2 Kindness points

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