
66 3 0

May 14th of 2016

Madarame needed the help of Yusuke to prepare for his exhibition, though Yusuke thought that he wouldn't be of any help if Madarame already had a plan in mind. While seated in the backseat, the blue haired boy stared out the window and admired the passing view of buildings and parks alike, but having no inspiration at all when near his sensei. He was content that he would text Hanae every now and then, not as aften as before because her new brother has kept her occupied despite his idol schedule and she herself had a composing task to finish for her music program. While thinking of her, his phone buzzed and it was none other than Hanae herself.

"ah Kitagawa-kun, you're missing school today? you're not sick are you? whatever your reason, i hope you are well!"

"i'm feeling well thank you, I'm going to help my sensei set up the exhibition."

"oh I see, i wish you the best of luck then! should I come over with some snacks?"

"i'll be finished at around 4 so I can wait for you at the subway then?"

"of course! i'll text you when I leave the school then okay?"

"see you then Uchida-san."

Yusuke switched off his phone and stared off into the outside view again, to see a girl with pigtails walking. He was attracted to her at first, something about her had potential to unlock inspiration within him.

"Sensei I want to take a walk, I see a muse I'd like to paint."

Before Madarame could respond, the boy had already left the car and into the subway where the girl was headed. 

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

"Oh my god, that guy got off! Isn't this bad...?" Ann exclaimed, facing Akira who was eyeing whoever the stalker was. Ryuji however, seemed to not care and yawned. "Hey! At least act like you care!"

"Fine... Come on." Ryuji groaned, leading the trio to walk up the escalator and out into the open space. 

"Here's the plan, we leave you out in the open and if that guy is still there, we'll come in okay?" the blonde boy grumbled, nudging Akira to agree. Akira ruffled his hair and sighed, nodding and leading Ryuji away to a hiding spot. 

Then, the boy stepped out from the shadows, his steps nearing Ann only to be interrupted by Ryuji and Akira. The four stared at each other, confused about the whole situation itself. The newcomer tilted his head to the side, causing a stray strand of blue hair to fall. The two other guys looked at him from head to toe, eyeing with both suspicion and bewilderment. 

"Hey, uh... are you sure it's him? Or are you just that self-conscious." Ryuji blurted out, breaking the tension that drifted away with the wind.

"Rgn, I'm not that-" Ann yelled, thrusting herself forward in front of the barrier of Akira and Ryuji to point at the boy in front of them. "You were the one stalking me!"

"Stalking you...? That's outrageous." the boy frowned, brushing his stray hair back into position.

"I know you've been following me! Ever since the train!"

"That's because..." but before he could finish his sentence, a familiar voice rang out from a car that stopped near them.

"My goodness... I had wondered why you left the car. So this is where your passion led." the elder man smiled, "All is well that ends well! Haha..." chuckling as the window to the car pulled up again. After the car drove away, awkward silence was left hanging around the four teenagers.

"I saw you from the car... and I couldn't help myself from chasing after you. I didn't even notice the calls from sensei... But thank goodness, I caught up to you." the blue-haired boy started, building up the conversation yet again. "You're the woman I've been searching for all this time! Please, won't you be the model for my next art piece!?"

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

Hanae poked at her lunch in her homeroom, listening to classical music with her red headphones while basking under the light breeze that slipped through the windows. She couldn't help but worry about Yusuke as he was quite fragile and setting up a gallery was hard work. She sighed, rubbing her right shoulder to massage it a bit. Eating only a few bites, she packed up her lunch and headed to her dorm, planning to try and compose something during her free period. She gripped her stomach on the way back, feeling some pain. 

"Maybe that's why I'm losing my appetite... I'll use some oil to relieve it." she thought to herself, quickly making her way to her dorm hoping to relieve herself as soon as possible.

But as she arrived things only got worse. She began to have a headache, making her grip her head with discomfort. Her other hand was pressed firmly against the wall, trying to keep her balance as she tried to process the sudden pain. Making her way to the bed her headache began to get worse, and before she knew it she was sweating frantically. Her hands began to tremble and her eyes stared blankly at the floor. Then her sweat began to merge with the small streaks of tears that flowed out of her eyes. Voices echoed in her head, though the words are unclear she could tell who it was, moaning cries of despair.

With her mind scattered everywhere, she knew it was a hallucination, but this time it was severe.


Then she collapsed.

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