Chapter IV: Fleeting Fantasy

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September 8th of 2016

Yusuke sat at the airport, his luggage beside him as he indulged in his book on art. It was the day his school was flying to Los Angeles, but there was a forecast of rain over there which made the teachers worried something might happen.

In the corner of his eye, he saw Hanae yawning and making her way next to him. She waved with a bright smile, though her eyes said otherwise.

"Good morning Yusuke, I didn't think I'd be this tired for the school trip...maybe I should sleep on the flight later." she started, rubbing her eyes with a small pout. 

"Greetings, yes you do seem quite drained, our flight is in 2 hours so please, rest all you want." he replied, gesturing for her to sit down beside him.

Within seconds she plopped down on the cushioned chair and leaned back, yawning and resting her head on the edge of the backrest. The teachers hadn't called for registration yet so Yusuke watched over her as she slept. There were many times where he stole glances at her, making finger-frames and noting it down in his notepad. It was only after 15 minutes that he gently shook her awake when the teachers arrived, yet Hanae looked even more tired than before, and even more tired than the sleep-deprived teachers.

Yusuke watched as the pianist trudged her way over to her homeroom teachers with her luggage, silently laughing at how tired she was.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

On the plane, Hanae made her way to her seat which was surprisingly next to both the window and Hifumi Togo. 

"Greetings Hanae! Are you excited for the trip?" Hifumi asked with a smile while taking out books she was going to read.

"Oh yes I am! I'm looking forward to...ahem the food." Hanae replied, scratching her cheek with an embarrassed smile.

"You certainty love food, may I join your food trip when we arrive there?"

"Yeah sure! The more the merrier!"

What she didn't know was, Yusuke was a whole 7 rows behind her so she wouldn't be seeing him for the next few hours. The artist was lucky enough to get connection from his classmate, more like eavesdropping on the password to his hotspot and gaining access. He was texting the phantoms before he took off, as a way to both inform Futaba and check in on the others.

"I hope your travels go well." - Yusuke

"Yeah! You too!" - Ann

"Inari don't go buying random stuff you don't need, like lobsters" - Futaba

"As much as I want you to enjoy, I agree with Futaba, you're quite short in money" - Makoto

"Dude, what if he comes back with another lobster?" - Ryuji

"It's possible." - Akira

"You idiot! How can you transport a lobster overseas?!" - Ann

"You guys are thinking too far..." - Makoto

"He doesn't even have the cash, don't worry" - Futaba

"Oh yeah, where you guys going again?"  - Futaba

"Los Angeles" - Yusuke

"Hawaii baby!" - Ryuji

"Someone's excited..." - Futaba

"Excited to go gawk and girls..." - Ann

"Hey!" - Ryuji

"You aren't wrong, I picture Ryuji getting shot down by plenty though" - Yusuke

"Oh come on, have some faith in me dude!" - Ryuji

"Oh Mona has something to say-" - Futaba

"Come back in one piece with my fish!" - Futaba

"And we're back to the topic of transporting seafood...." - Makoto

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