Chap_21. Revealed

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Khushi's POV

For a few days, Arnav didn't show up in front of me. Though it bothered me but at the same time, I felt somewhat relieved in his absence because I didn't need to give an effort to act normal.

On the weekend, I was in charge of the kitchen on the weekends like as usual. But Mom being herself kept trying to help me.

Late in the afternoon, I got into the kitchen to make my favourite broccoli tomato soup after forbidding Mom to enter into the kitchen.

When I was done with preparing my soup. I transferred them into four bowls and got into the living room while uttering some words to Akash.

Akash always kept praising my cooking however it tasted. But I wanted him to tell me the truth.

I forwarded the bowl towards him only to get shocked seeing the person I wanted to see the least.

Arnav was sitting there. He was looking somewhat sad. Giving my thought a break, I was about to take the bowl away from him but couldn't as Dad spoke up that.

Arnav was being hesitant also and finally held that. I took a seat between Mom and Dad.

When Dad took a spoonful and seemed pleasant and I got my bowl asking about Akash and then shoved a spoonful in my mouth.

I didn't turn to Arnav but I could feel his hesitation to taste the soup but when Dad got uttering about it supported by Mom, he started eating it.

Though he praised the cooking and kept eating but there was something about it that I couldn't help noticing.

He wasn't looking normal by the time he finished the bowl. When I found him reaching for the glass of water, I immediately forwarded the glass towards him as I got uttering, "Arnav, are you okay?"

He gave me a blank look and then gulped down the water hurriedly in one go.

He tried to put the glass on the table but couldn't do it. His hand was trembling and like he didn't have the energy in him to hold even a glass.

I hurried to him but before I could say something, I heard Akash uttering quite loudly, "Arnav?" and ran to him.

Akash looked at him all worried as he uttered, "Arnav, what happened?" and looked all around.

I got confused when after glancing at the empty bowl, Akash got uttering as he turned to Arnav, "You ate broccoli soup! Have you gone mad?"

Arnav couldn't utter anything between his coughs. His hand got filled with red patches. His face was turning to the same as well.

Holding Arnav, Akash got out of the mansion uttering, "I am taking him to hospital. He needs medical attention."

Arnav was still trying to get hold of himself and utter something but I could see him failing terribly. I felt guilty. It was all because of me.

"I will be with them." uttering this to Mom and Dad, I hurried out of our place. Akash was getting into the car when I spoke up, "I will go with you."

He just nodded and got into the car with Arnav. I stopped the driver and took the driving seat.

In these years, I got to learn many things from Akash. Driving was one of them.

All the way either Arnav kept coughing badly or saying, "I am burning Akash. It's paining."

I felt guilty even more.

Reaching the hospital, we got Arnav admitted. The doctor checked him and put him on saline as he injected some medicine in it. Soon he fell asleep. The doctor got uttering, "Come with me." and left the cabin.

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