𝑲𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒓 𝑩𝒆 𝑲𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒅

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The horn blares and Lilith springs into action. She pushes a tribute out of her way as she makes her way to her swords. She quickly picks up the twin katanas, breathing heavy. Lilith hears running behind her, she turns, swinging her swords into one of the tributes. The tribute falls to the ground, bleeding. The canons start booming.

During this moment of rest, she takes the time to put the holster on her back. She is taken aback when she gets tackled to the ground. She uses all the force in her legs and kicks the tribute off of her. Immediately, she sinks both of her swords into the tribute that tackled her.

Minutes later, the last tribute near the cornucopia (other than the Careers) drops to the ground. The last canon goes off, for now. They all look around at each other, the Career pack had made it through the bloodbath.

"That was fun." Bruce remarks. Causing the rest of them to chuckle in response.

"Should we se up camp?" Lilith suggests, everyone agrees.

After about an hour, the Career camp has been set. They all take this time to kick their feet up, doubting that the other tributes would come near the cornucopia yet. They rummage through the packs for food.

"Hey, I found some crackers." Diana yells from deep inside the cornucopia. She runs out with two packages of crackers.

Everyone huddles around her and greedily takes them. Lilith stands back and lets her allies take them first. They go through the first package, Lilith getting the last one.

"We should save this other one." Lilith suggests.

"Agreed." Willam says.

Since there is no sunlight, the group has trouble telling if night has fallen. But based on everyone's yawns and exhausted faces, it's night. Lilith offers to take first watch, being accompanied by Nancy, who's too shaken to sleep.

With one sword in her hand, the other on her back, she sits and stares out to the glowing forest. Her free hand plays with the ring around her neck, moving it side to side.

"Do you have anyone waiting for you?" Nancy says randomly.

Lilith furrows her brows at the sudden question. "Maybe." She says looking at her. "You?"

"Yeah, my parents. My sister too. They were all so worried when we said goodbye." Nancy says, worry very evident in her tone.

"I'm sure they're doing okay." Lilith tries to assure her.

"They're not going to be for long. I'm so not getting out of here." Lilith stares at her ally, thinking of what she plans to do once the numbers dwindle. Nancy notices the blonde staring. "Oh, please. Don't look a me like that. You know as well as I do, that when the time comes you're going to save yourself."

"Maybe, but for now I'm protecting you." Lilith says, taking her hand away from her necklace. "Did Jay convince you to ally with us?"

Nancy nods. "It was my best shot at not dying in the bloodbath." Bitterness surrounds the girls.

"Good choice." This makes Nancy scoff. Lilith turns her attention back to her. "What?"

"I would have rather died than be entertainment, which is what we are." Nancy says with a fierceness that has never come out of her.

"It's for the greater good. For the Capitol." Lilith states, like it's a fact. They may be made into entertainment, but it was for a good cause. That good cause being the Capitol. To remind everyone what war was like, to make sure that another doesn't start.

"That's crap, and you know it." Nancy shoots back.

"You can't say things like that! It's not crap, it's the truth." Lilith says, growing irritated at the lies coming from the girl. "You're lying. The Capitol does whatever they can for us. They protect us."

"You actually believe that?" Nancy says in disbelief. Lilith stays quiet for a moment. Nancy scoffs, throwing her hands in the air. "If you do, then you're not as smart as I thought you were."

Nancy walks away, going back into the cornucopia. Lilith sits by herself the rest of the night. Why would Nancy say those things? The Capitol protects all of Panem. The whole purpose of the games is to remind everyone of the horrors of war. Nancy is just a girl from District four, the things she says have no truth to them. Lilith's family was given their wealth because of the Capitol. Her father always reminded her, the have the things they have because of the Capitol. Nancy is wrong.

The middle of the night is marked by the Fallen Tributes being projected in the sky. The boy from three, the boy from six, the girl from eight, the girl from nine, and both tributes from eleven. Six tributes dead in one day.

Hours pass and Lilith assumes day two of the Hunger Games has commenced. The other Careers wake up, William walks over to his tribute partner.

"You didn't sleep at all did you?" William teases the blonde.

"Ha, ha." Lilith jokes back, tapping him on the arm. "I, in fact, did not sleep last night."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you get some tonight." William assures her.

"Thanks." Lilith says.

Bruce comes out from the depths of the cornucopia, looking like he has an idea.

"What is it, Bruce?" Diana says from next to Lilith.

"Some of us should go hunting for some tributes." He proposes. They take time and think it over.

"I'll go." Lilith announces. "Who knows, might be fun." She shrugs her shoulders.

They decide that Lilith, Bruce, and William would go on the hunt, while Diana, Jay, and Nancy guard the cornucopia. Lilith is just glad she is separated from Nancy, she doesn't have the patience for her at the moment.

Lilith walks with her katanas crossed on her back, listening carefully. Bruce holds a spear whist Willam holds a crossbow. Lilith admires the glowing plants, resisting the urge to stop and touch.

They come across a stream of what could be water, but it glows a bright pink.

"Think that's safe to drink?" Bruce jokes. William chuckles and reaches into the pack he carries, grabbing a canteen filled with water. He tosses it to Bruce. "Thanks."

The trio walks until they hear a rustling in the bushes. They freeze and look at each other. Lilith reaches behind her back and pulls the katanas up. The blonde stalks towards the bushes, swords at the ready.

She raises her swords and slashes at the bush, with a yell. "Nothing." Lilith says in defeat. Just when she turns her back, there is a war cry and someone pounces on the blonde's back. What is it with people jumping on her back?

The boys jump into action and get the girl off of Lilith. In all the commotion her swords fell from her hands, so she tries to feel for them in the ground. Once she finds them she grabs them and stands up. Lilith turns to see the girl being held by Bruce and William.

"It's the girl from six." Bruce says.

"She alone?" Lilith questions, looking around for more attackers.

"Looks like it." William states. Lilith walks closer to the girl, glaring at her.

"Bye-bye, birdie." Lilith says in a sing-song tone and raises her right sword. She swings it across the girls neck, causing a canon to go off.

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