𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕, 𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕, 𝑳𝒖𝒙𝒖𝒓𝒚

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On the day of the Reaping, only child, Lilith Monroe, wakes early to prepare. Her wealthy parents, Marie and Charles Monroe, also prepare for the day. The Monroes are one of the wealthiest families in District two. Lilith has had everything handed to her before she could even say she wanted it. She was catered to and adored. The blonde has been training for the Hunger Games for as long as she can remember.

She is just three years away from completing training. Lilith, like every year, wears her all white, spaghetti strap, dress that goes a little past her knees. Adding her own flare, she adds a black, cropped, leather jacket, and black combat boots.

The blonde's parents call her downstairs, then they head to the Justice Building.

Lilith signs in, they prick her finger, and she stands with the other fifteen year olds. Already bored with standing there, she sighs and looks around. She recognizes some people from her training classes.

"Welcome all, and happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor." The female escort announces with much enthusiasm. Lilith turns her attention to the escort, admiring her Capitol get up. "Now, we have a small film for you all, straight from the Capitol! Isn't that exciting?"

Lilith watches the video intently. She is never not amazed by how much the Capitol cares for their wellbeing. Especially how much their dear President Snow cares.

"Don't you just love that!" The escort exclaims, clapping her hands together once the video finishes. "Here comes the time you have all been waiting for, it is time to select one young man and woman, to represent District two in the 66th Annual Hunger Games. As always, ladies first." She walks over to a glass bowl, filled with names.

Lilith anxiously waits as the escort slowly picks a paper.

"The female tribute from District two will be," she unfolds the paper, "Lilith Monroe." Seeing as the blonde is only three years away from graduating, the female Careers mutually decide she is fully capable of going into the games, and also decide not to volunteer.

Lilith struts up to the podium, not worried in the slightest. Why would she be? She has been training for this for her entire life.

"How marvelous!" The escort exclaims as Lilith stops beside her at the microphone. "Now, for the boys."

Lilith stares straight ahead as the escort picks a name from the other glass bowl.

"The male tribute will be," she says once back at the microphone, "William Hughs." William happens to be seventeen year old with black buzzed hair.

William makes his way to the podium, looking proud. That's what District two's tributes are, proud. Proud that they get the opportunity to participate in the Hunger Games. Proud that they get to prove their loyalty to the Capitol.

"May I present, District two's tributes, for the 66th Annual Hunger Games!" The female escort announces, holding both Lilith's and William's hands up.

Peacekeepers usher the now tributes inside the Justice Building and into separate rooms. Now that she is alone, this is the blonde's opportunity to fall apart. But, she doesn't. In fact she feels as calm as she did the day before, and at every other Reaping she has had to attend. Why? Because she was born for this. She was destined to become a tribute, and she is not afraid.

The goodbyes her parents give are not grand in any way. They know the risks, and do not expect to see their daughter again. Considering she is their only daughter, Lilith thought at least her mother would get sappy. But alas, she did not. She only gave her hands a loving squeeze. Her father gave her a stern look, and a tight squeeze on her shoulder, much different from how her mother squeezed her hands. There was no love behind it. She knew what this meant. Do not make a mockery of my name. A peacekeeper escorts her parents out of the room, and Lilith is alone again.

Lilith is escorted to the train station. A grin on her face the whole time, waving to people. She is enjoying every moment of this. She and William go through the train door, with it closing behind them. The blonde admires everything in the train car. The exquisite furniture, the dangling light fixtures. This is the Capitol written all over it. And she loves it.

"Hello again tributes. My name is Ember Little, your escort. I have to go find your mentor, he is somewhere on this train." Ember walks into the main train car. She ponders on something for a minute before saying, "Just stay here my little darlings, I'll be right back."

Then the tributes were alone. William is the first one to break the silence.

"I've seen you at the training facility. You know how to handle a sword, don't you?" The raven haired boy says, plopping down on a sofa.

"If you've seen me, shouldn't you know?" Lilith responds, still walking around the car. She looks at her tribute partner and sees that he has a strange look on his face. Not the brightest in the bunch. "If you must know, yes I am skilled in all sorts of weaponry. Twin katanas just happen to be my favorite."

Thankfully, before William can continue, Ember walks back in with a man trailing behind her.

"This is your mentor, Silas Whitlock." Ember says, gesturing to the man behind her.

Lilith stretches her hand out to Silas. "My name is Lilith Monroe." She introduces herself.

"I know who you are. I know who both of you are. I don't think you'll need much assistance from me, seeing as you've been training for this." Silas says dismissively.

"I want to know everything." Lilith demands. "Please." She adds, remembering the manners her parents spent her whole life drilling into her.

"Let's see, you're fifteen, right?" Silas questions the blonde, who nods in confirmation. "I doubt that you'll win, sweetheart. Even your tribute partner is older and more experienced than you."

Lilith scoffs at the lack of faith. Everyone is going to underestimate her. Maybe she could use that to her advantage.

─•~❉᯽❉~•─ ─•~❉᯽❉~•─

That night, Lilith sleeps like a baby. Until, she doesn't. This is been the routine for as long as she can remember. Her dreams start out pleasant, lovely life and things, happy and wealthy family. Then the sweet dreams turn sour, the happy family, isn't so happy.

Lilith's parents are not attentive in the slightest, especially Charles. Her father has drilled into her, that the only thing he loves is the Capitol, and that's how Lilith came to think. Though she wouldn't tell her father, she has some love for her mother. But the only love that Lilith outwardly expresses, is her love for the Capitol.

Lilith Monroe has been trained into a skilled warrior at the Career training facility. Her father had made sure she had an abundance of private lessons, wanting to mold his daughter into a Victor.

The facility's ways of training aren't for the faint of heart. The teachers are brutal, they won't hesitate to teach their students lessons, regardless of whether it would hurt them. Lilith remembers those moments more than any others.

One day, Lilith had come home from training, with a gash in her side. She had been practicing with her katanas with a teacher, when he called her out on poor form, she didn't correct it fast enough for his liking. He slashed her with his sword. She had to finish the session in immense pain from her bleeding side. Of course, Charles had no pity for the girl once he found out the reasoning behind the wound. She was ten years old. Eventually, the gash healed into a nasty scar, one which nobody has seen, not even her parents. Lilith knew they would be disappointed that their perfect daughter had a flaw.

Regardless of her nightmares, Lilith sleeps through most of the night. When she does wake, all she does is stare at the ceiling. Silently reminding herself, all of this is for the greater good of the Capitol. That alone, in her mind, makes everything alright.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒕𝒖𝒔; 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒊𝒓Where stories live. Discover now