𝑻𝒘𝒐 𝑺𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒊𝒏

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Eventually, Silas and Ember make their way to their tributes. They find the usual preppy Lilith, sulking.

"What's her problem?" Silas mutters to William. He opens his mouth to reply, but the young blonde cuts him off. She sure is making a habit of that.

"I am right here." Lilith snaps at her mentor.

"Alright, let's calm down." Ember tells the group. "Don't pay those boys any mind, dear." She says to Lilith, offering her a small smile. The young blonde is grateful for the small gesture and returns it.

─•~❉᯽❉~•─ ─•~❉᯽❉~•─

The District two tributes are escorted to their apartment in the training center. As soon as they enter the apartment, Lilith is infatuated with the design. The Capitol design.

"This place is gorgeous." Lilith murmurs. She takes in all of its luxury. The fifteen year old walks around the apartment, touching the lavish furniture, soaking in all of its beauty.

"Lilith, darling, your room is over here." Ember guides her tribute to a door on the right. The escort opens the door for her and they step inside. Lilith's face lights up at the sight of her bedroom. She has her very own room, in the Capitol. She can hardly believe it.

"I'm assuming you love it?" Ember questions. Lilith turns to face her escort.

"Who wouldn't love this place? It's amazing." The young blonde says in admiration.

"Oh, that's just wonderful! I knew you would!" The woman exclaims, clapping her hands together. "I'll call you for dinner."

After the escort shuts the door, Lilith collapses on her bed. A wide grin covers her face as she explores the area. This place is wonderful.

At dinner, the group is served a wide variety of high class foods. Even Lilith's family could only afford these things for special occasions.

"I want you both to get plenty of rest tonight. You're in for a long couple of days, starting tomorrow." Silas says, while stuffing his mouth with potatoes.

"Oh, are you giving out advice now?" Lilith remarks sarcastically, aggressively stabbing at her chicken.

"Listen, do you want it or not?" Silas is beginning to grow tired of the young blonde's games. She just rolls her eyes and says no more.  "You will want to focus on survival skills, the instructor will tell you this tomorrow as well. Just listen to her, and me."

"What about making alliances? We need to show our assets for the other Careers, so they know we're useful." William argues before taking a drink.

"Focus on survival." Silas demands. He really doesn't like these kids. Although Lilith wouldn't admit it, he is right. She knows she needs to focus on survival, she has been advancing in weaponry since she could walk.

The group finishes their dinner, Silas being the first to excuse himself and go to his room. Ember is the second to leave, saying she needs all eight hours. This leaves Willam and Lilith alone, again. And again, he is the one to break the silence.

"You're sticking with the Careers, right?" He asks her.

"Why wouldn't I, William?" Lilith sighs, taking her plate and putting it in the kitchen sink.

"I don't know, you just haven't said much about it." He follows her lead by taking his own plate and setting it in the sink.

"You don't need to know my every move. You're not my keeper." The young blonde begins walking towards her room, leaving her tribute partner pondering. What about? She didn't want to know.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒕𝒖𝒔; 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒊𝒓Where stories live. Discover now