Turritopsis Dohrnii

709 12 12

(A/n):(so I may have lied about what this chapter is about, but Junpei's first big fight is gonna be in this chapter. Hanami fight will be next chapter. Also if you get the chapter title you're a nerd.)


Junpei's pov:

After (Y/n) had suddenly run past holding Nobara and being chased by Takeru, Maki left to go and make sure Megumi was alright leaving me alone in the clearing surrounded by knocked down trees as a veil lowered around the area.

Junpei:"well, this is just fantastic."

I murmur to myself annoyed at being left alone and slightly scared.

Junpei:'if Takeru was here then... No Takeru said he wasn't, but what if he is?'

I swallow hard and try to shake the idea out of my head as I start to walk away trying to find a way out if the veil.

Junpei:'am I even gonna be able to get out of here, do I want to get out if here? What if he's out there?'

I shiver at the thought. I keep walking for a little until I hear a sudden noise and look behind me to see a man with blond hair tied at the side and three purple marks under each of his eyes holding a blade with a hand where its handle should've been. He charges at me trying to stab me as I narrowly avoid the blade.

Junpei:"moon dreg!"

I make a V with my hand as two stingers form from moon dreg, they lunge at the blonde man just to hit the ground as he jumps backwards.

???:"A shikigami user huh? You must've been Mahito's little experiment."

My eyes widen as I hear Mahito's name.

Junpei:"you know him!? W-Where is he?"

I look around scared trying to find any signs of the patch work curse. The man seems to revel in my fear as he looks at me with a evil grin.

???:"oh, he's not here. He's off doing his own thing right now..."

He holds his sword out toward me.

???:"so it looks like I'll have to finish the job by killing you."

I try to calm myself down as I get into a fighting stance.

Junpei:"w-who are you?"

I say trying to sound intimidating but miserably failing.

???:"It won't really matter, but I guess I'll tell you. My name is Haruta Shigemo and I'll be the one to kill you!"

He rushes at me with his sword.

Junpei:"moon dreg!"

Moon dreg's tendrils shoot out towards him as he cuts them to shreds with his sword my mind goes back to my training with Gojo.

I sat on the floor after a sparring session with (Y/n) who'd cut my moon dreg to bits with his scissors and then attacked me.

Gojo:"interesting. Your jellyfish seems to be resistant to physical attacks, however when it comes to cutting attacks its like ot knife through butter."

I look at the floor defeated.

Junpei:"so someone like (Y/n) can take me out like nothing."

Gojo:"at your current level, yes. However, that's what being a Jujutsu sorcerer is about."


I look up at Gojo confused.

Gojo:"being a Jujutsu sorcerer is all about knowing the limits of your technique, and knowing how to work around them."

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