Big bro

939 17 2

(A/n):(absolutely nothing bad will happen in this chapter... You'll see the relevance of the song eventually)


???'s pov:

My fists hurt as I continue punching the boy I'd pinned to the ground, my knuckles begun to bleed. Or that's what I think, honestly its hard to tell if it's my blood or his. The teachers have to pull me off him but it's not easy for them, I even throw one of them over my shoulder. If I wasn't already screwed I definitely am now.

I end up getting dragged into the principals office.

Principal:"Mr.Ryoshi you-"

???:"It's Takeru."

I tell him bitterly correcting him.

Principal:"alright Takeru, you know why you've been called in her right?"

Takeru:"yeah cause I beat the crap outta kid cause he wouldn't shut his mouth."

Principal:"you brutally assaulted him."

Takeru:"I barely hit him."

I say muttering under my breathe.

Principal: "barely hit him!? You broke his nose, knocked out five of his teeth, gave him a concussion, and broke one his ribs and both his arms. You could've killed the kid!"

Takeru:"but I didn't."

I mumble bitterly.

Principal:"you know I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you had a few incidents in the past but I took you into my school in spite of it all and this is how you repay me! By nearly murdering one of my students and paralyzing one of my staff members!"

Takeru:"yeah yeah I know the drill your kicking me out, see ya in hell asshole."

I say standing, picking up my back pack, and heading towards the door.

Principal:"do me a favor and grab your brother on your way out."

I stop and snap around towards the principal.


Principal:"both you and your brother are being expelled."

Takeru: "what the- he didn't do anything, that's unfair!"

I say beginning to raise my voice in anger.

Principal:"well who says kicking you out won't send him down the same rebellious streak, you two seem very close."

Takeru:"you can't do this, he's a straight a student and he'd never hurt a fly and you know it!"

I say becoming even more aggravated towards the principal.

Principal:"listen here young man, I am the principal, I am  in charge, YOU do not get to tell me what I can and can't do. Now go your mother is waiting for you at the entrance."

He says in a harsh tone. 

I storm out of his office and head towards the front of the school where I see my mom waiting. I don't even look at her and just angrily get into the backseat of the car, my mom sits in the front.


Takeru:"I don't want to talk about it."

I say still pissed off that I got both me and my little brother expelled.


Takeru:"I told you I don't wanna talk about it!"

I say tears beginning to form in my eyes from my anger.

Nail in the coffin (Nobara x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now