Bound By Heaven

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(A/n):(I think this is my edgiest title ever.)



You stand there baffled as the man claiming to be your dead older brother has just told you that you have some special pact that gives you lots of cursed energy at the cost of you being extremely frail.

(Y/n):"Is that why I pass out all the time!?"

Takeru:"as inquisitive as ever little bro!"

Megumi:"(Y/n) who the hell is this guy?"

He says walking beside you and getting into a fighting stance.

(Y/n):"well he keeps saying he's my older brother, but I have no clue who the hell he is. All I know is his name is Takeru Ryoshi."

Kamo:"that's impossible."

Kamo talks in a hushed tone sounding almost mortified.

Kamo:"Takeru Ryoshi died six years ago when the Ryoshi clan was massacred."

Takeru:"and so did (Y/n) Ryoshi, and yet here we both stand, alive."

(Y/n):"(Y/n) Ryoshi?"

You echo the name something sounds so familiar about it and yet you can't place your finger on it.

Nobara:"(Y/n)'s last name is (L/n). There's no way you two are brothers!"

Takeru starts laughing to himself at Nobara's retort.

Takeru:"That's what they want you to think. But I know better, those eyes of his, that technique, he's a pure blooded Ryoshi. Er... Well almost."

Kamo:"half breeds."

He says as he makes a quiet realization.


Kamo:"the Rysohis were a clan of sorcerers who mingled with humans, they believed human and sorcerers were equal and should be treated as such. They'd even have children with them."

Takeru:"whole lot of bull shit if you ask me! The world should be ruled by the strong while the weak suffer!"

(Y/n):"you're wrong."

You speak in a low and bitter tone causing Megumi and Nobara to look at you in shock.

Megumi and Nobara:'I've never heard (Y/n) like this, he's scary.'

Takeru:"eh, What was that?"

(Y/n):"the strong should protect the weak."

Takeru looks at you with a wide toothy grin.

Takeru:"hm, looks like you stand by mom and pops teachings even if you can't remember them."

(Y/n):"I may not remember them, but there's one thing I'll never forget. The sight of them being torn to shreds by a cursed spirit, and my big brother dead in the other room."

The room goes dead silent for what feels like ages until Takeru speaks up again.

Takeru:"so that's what they told you."

Kamo:"he's telling the truth, I've read the reports myself. Takeru Ryoshi dead left a mangled corpse by the curse that'd been released into the ho-"

Takeru:"two words! Satoru Gojo."

He says as if it'd explain everything which it sorta did.

Takeru:"he messed with the reports, knew you clans would come after me and (Y/n) if you found out we were alive so he lied and said we'd both died."

Nail in the coffin (Nobara x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now