Detention center

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(A/n):(wow a major story arc! I'm sure nothing will go wrong.)


You're shaken awake as you start to sleepily look around at your surroundings trying to figure out where you are.

Yuji:"hey (Y/n) wake up we're here"

Yuji says continuing to shake you.

(Y/n):"ugh yeah yeah I get it."

You say groggily as you push his hand of of your shoulder and get out of the car rubbing your eyes still not entirely awake. 

(Y/n):"why are we here again?"

You says sleepily looking at the building which reeks of curses.

???:"you're here to evacuate the building"

You look to where the voice came from and see a man with glasses, black hair, and a suit.

Yuji:"who is that?"

Yuji whispers to you pointing at the man which you reply to with a shrug.

???:"I am Kiyotaka Ichiji"

He says overhearing Yuji.

Megumi:"he's the assistant principal"

Ichiji:"now the curse may be a special grade however as long as you don't engage you'll be fine."

Nobara and Megumi faces turn serious as he says this leaving you and Yuji confused.

(Y/n) and Yuji:"A special grade?"

The two of you say confused unaware of what Ichiji means as Megumi rubs the bridge of his nose and Nobara sighs in disappointment.

Ichiji:"curses are ranked based on power, we rank them with grades which go from four as the weakest to special as the strongest."

(Y/n):"wait if the curse is a special grade and special grades are the strongest the why are you sending us"

Megumi:"normally they'd send someone on par with the curse, in this case that would be Gojo"

Yuji:"so where is he?"

Megumi:"off on a business trip"

Ichiji:"and besides the four of you should be fine as long as you don't engage with the cursed spirit."


You say nervously as a woman walks over to the four of with a worried expression.

Woman:"Please help my son his names Tadashi a-and he's in there p-please save him!"

She frantically says while holding up a picture of who you're guessing is Tadashi.

She struggles to speak out of fear. Yuji looks at her with an expression you can't make out as he walks over to her.

Yuji:"we'll find him"

Woman:"t-t-thank you"

With that the woman walks off and Ichiji goes back to explaining the situation.

Ichiji:"now I will open the veil so you four can make your way in, once the four of you are in there it is your job to evacuate the five inmates within without engaging with the curse"

With that the four of you head into the veil.

Yuji:"so now what?"

Megumi:"we do as we were told and evacuate the building"

He says as he makes a shape with his hands and two dogs appear beside him.

Nobara:"what the hell are those"

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