The Mission

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(A/n):(guess which story arc this ones about hint its about a stitched face guy and a teen with a jellyfish and a thing for horror movies.)


You lay on your bed the sun setting outside your window as Patches lays on your chest.

(Y/n):"ugh I feel like I got hit by a train"

You say whining as you cover your eyes with your arm. Maki's so called "training" had completely wiped you out, obviously it doesn't help that you might as well be skin and bones but none the less it was still brutal, not even the reverse cursed technique you'd been taught by Ierie would help with how sore you were.

(Y/n):'so this is how its gonna be for the next two weeks huh?'

You think to yourself dreading what's to come next, until your thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door.

(Y/n):"Its unlocked"

You say tiredly as the door swing open revealing Nobara.

Nobara:"hey (Y/n)"

(Y/n):"Kugisaki what's up"

You saw attempting to stifle a yawn as you sit up and move Patches off your chest.

Nobara:"Fushiguro told me to tell you dinners almost done."

(Y/n):"k I'll be there in a sec"

Nobara walks out of your room and starts heading towards the kitchen. You go to follow just for your legs to give out as you stand causing you to fall face first into the ground with a next  Nobara runs back poking her head through the door frame to see you laying with your face to the ground.

Nobara:"you okay"

She says stifling a laugh as you reply with a groan. You roll over onto your back causing your arm to flop onto your face covering your eyes.

Nobara:"yeesh what happened, you get hit by a truck or something?"

She walks over to you and crouches down beside you poking you.

Nobara:"uh hello earth to (Y/n)"

She says mockingly.

(Y/n):"uuuuugh I feel like shit."

You whine causing Nobara to chuckle.

Nobara:"well what happened"

You groan as she moves your arm from your face.

(Y/n):"Maki that's what happened"


(Y/n):"*sigh* she found me while I was training my technique and then proceeded to beat the shit out of me."


Nobara says a little surprised.

(Y/n):"well she was trying to train me but-"

You cut yourself off sighing as Patches walks over to you and starts licking your face. Nobara grabs your arm and puts it around her neck hoisting you up off the ground and walking you over to the bed where she sets you down.

Nobara:"what was she thinking, I mean look at you your skin and bones"

You shrink a little at Nobara's comment, which she notices.

Nobara:"no offense."

(Y/n):"I mean that's what eating nothing but shitty food scraps for six years will get ya I guess"

You take a deep breathe as you feel Patches rub up against your hand.

(Y/n):"well don't want to make them wait."

Nail in the coffin (Nobara x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now