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(A/n):(I think this is the best title I've done.)


You run through the hallways if the school as fast as you can trying to get to Junpei as quick as possible as Shoko's lessons ring through your head.

Shoko:'cursed techniques use negative energy, while reverse cursed techniques as you can tell from the name are the opposite and use positive energy.'

Shoko:'reverse cursed techniques strengths vary depending on the person using them.'

Shoko:'some people can only heal themselves, while others like me can heal other people as well, some powerful sorcerers can even revive the dead.'

Shoko:'revive the dead'

Those three words echo through your head as you continue sprinting towards where Junpei had died.

(Y/n):'there's still a chance!'

Nanami's pov:

Nanami:"well then looks like we'll need to go all out."

Yuji:"oh hell yeah!!!"

The curse and the man in the hat begin standing up as I brace for the upcoming fight.

Takeru:"yeesh what the hell happened to you?"

The man says almost mockingly as he points out the curses missing arm.

Takeru:"my little bro do that?"

He says sounding proud of (Y/n). The curse just stand up and grins at me and Yuji.

Mahito:"well then if I can't transfigure that boy maybe his mentor will work."

He says almost giddy sounding.

Takeru:"you were gonna kill my brother!?"

Mahito:"yes, but I didn't though so our deals still on!"

He says smiling.


Takeru:"whatever, let's just get this over with. You get three seven over there, I got Sukuna's vessel."

Mahito:"sounds like a plan!"

The curse glares at me and flashes me an evil grin.



Yuji and I prepare for the oncoming fight as the two charge at us. I feel a strong gust of wind as the red cap wearing man appears next to me and sends Yuji flying with one hit. The curse capitalizes on my sudden lack of attention by running at me and attempting to blind sight me, lunging at me with the palm of his now regrown hand. I use the dull side of my blade to knock back his hand before swinging at him downward which he easily dodges.

Nanami:'there's no way of me beating him, all I can do is hold out till (Y/n) returns. Hopefully Yuji can do the same.'

Yuji's pov:

I'm suddenly sent flying through one of the outer walls of the school you'd think that's where I'd stop but I kept going. I ending up going through five separate walls before slamming into a sixth leaving a large crater within it as I fall to the floor with a sharp pain in my abdomen.

Takeru:"damn your still alive after that!?"

I look up and see the red hat wearing man standing in the rubble of one of the walls I'd crashed into.

Takeru:"I'd say you might have a heavenly restriction yoursel-"

I lunge at him cutting him off as I slam my fist into his gut he staggers back an inch before being totally knocked off his feat by a blast of cursed energy.

Nail in the coffin (Nobara x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now