Chapter 25: Aragog

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Later, all the Gryffindor students were gathered in the common room. While most were downstairs, others were upstairs between the two dormitories. Harry and Ron stood by the spiral staircase and noticed Joni sat alone by one of the windows, looking outside with a blank expression and having said nothing after he came back from the Hospital Wing.

"Could i have your attention, please?" McGonagall said as she got inside the common room, and the students all their focus on her.

"Because of recent events, these new rules will be put into effect immediately:" She said while rolling open a parchel. "'All students will return to their house common rooms by 6:00 every evening. All students will be escortet to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions.'"

Once she was done, McGonagall rolled the paper closed

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Once she was done, McGonagall rolled the paper closed.

"I should tell you this: Unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught... it is likely the school will be closed."

She then left the common room, and the students all looked at each other with uncertainty, though Neville decided to speak up.

"Haven't any of the teachers noticed that the Slytherins are all safe?" He asked. "Isn't it obvious all this stuff's coming from Slytherin? The Heir of Slytherin, the monster of Slytherin-- Why don't they just chuck all the Slytherins out?"

"They can't close Hogwarts." Seamus said. "Where would we all go?"

"I don't care what anyone says." Dean said. "As long as Dumbledore's here, Hogwarts will be safe."

Harry meanwhile turned to look at Ron. "We've got to talk to Hagrid, Ron." He whispered. "I can't believe it's him, and i know Joni doesn't either, but if he did set the monster loose last time, he'll know how to get inside the Chamber of Secrets. That's a start."

"But you heard McGonagall." Ron said. "We're not allowed to leave the tower except for classes."

Harry narrowed his eyes before turning to his brother and walked to him. Joni didn't notice him until Harry placed his hand on his shoulder.


"What?" Joni said, though his voice lacked any emotion.

"We need to go and talk to Hagrid. I know you don't believe he's the culprit, but talking to him about what happened fifty years ago is a start. The sooner we get to solving this, the sooner Hermione and others will be saved."

Joni was quiet for a moment before standing up and facing his brother and Ron. His eyes were still red from earlier, but what Harry told him inspired him to get back into solving the mystery.

"You're right." Joni said, now laser focused. "We need to solve this."

"Good to have you back, mate." Ron said, and gave Joni a hug.

"Sorry about giving the cold shoulder there, guys." Joni said, looking down a little.

"We get it, don't worry." Harry said, and the brothers hugged before letting go.

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