Chapter 15: Dobby's Warning

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It was late night in the town of Little Whinging, and inside of an upstairs room of 4 Privet Drive home, the twins Harry and Joni Potter were going through their family book they had gotten from Hagrid when they were leaving Hogwarts. They were looking at a moving photo of their family, with baby Joni being held by their mother Lily and Harry being held up by their father James. Switching to the next page, they saw a picture of themselves, joined by their two best friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, all smiling in the photo.

It has been around a month since the twins had returned to live with their unpleasant relatives, the Dursleys, for the summer. The one good side was that the twins hadn't let their relatives know they couldn't use magic outside of Hogwarts, reason being was so that they would be left alone if the Dursleys thought the twins would hit them with a spell like Hagrid had with their son Dudley, giving him a pig tail. Their uncle Vernon and aunt Petunia had given them Dudley's old bedroom for the boys to sleep in properly and have room for their school stuff.

The twins heard noise coming from their left and saw Hedwig, Harry's pet owl, inside it's cage, trying to bite into it to free itself, all the while Millie, Joni's cat, was sleeping on the bed.

The twins heard noise coming from their left and saw Hedwig, Harry's pet owl, inside it's cage, trying to bite into it to free itself, all the while Millie, Joni's cat, was sleeping on the bed

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"I can't let you out, Hedwig." Harry told the owl. "We're not allowed to use magic outside of school."

"If only we could." Joni then said, glancing at the door. "It'd make things easier, making sure Dudley won't cause any trouble."

"Besides," Harry then kept talking. "If Uncle Vernon--"

"Harry Potter!"

They then heard their uncle calling the older twin downstairs.

"Now you've done it." Harry said, closed the book and started to make his way downstairs.

"Why can't you be like Millie and behave?" Joni then asked and also got up and made his way downstairs, while Millie woke up and raised it's head.

In the kitchen, Petunia was putting together a cake, when she saw the twins come inside.

"He's in there." She told the twins, nodding to the living room. "Vernon?"

The twins walked in, and saw their uncle putting a suit on Dudley, while he was now also focusing on the twins.

"I'm warning you, if you can't control that bloody bird, it'll have to go. At least the cat knows how to behave in a house." Vernon told Harry while he was tying up the tie for Dudley.

"But she's bored." Harry said, while Joni started to lean against a wall. "If i could only let her out for an hour or two."

"So you can send secret messages to you freak little friends? No, sir. "Vernon said while making Dudley face the mirror.

"But we haven't had any messages from any of our friends. Not one... all summer."

"I'm sure something's just come up, Harry." Joni said assuredly. "No way they wouldn't want to message us while were out of school."

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