Chapter 24: The Diary

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Few weeks passed after the Polyjuice Potion incident, and the students were back in the school. Hermione had to stay in the Hospital Wing for a little while. By this point she had turned back looking like herself, though she still coughed furballs and had a cat tail.

Joni was entering the Hispital Wing, carrying library books in his arms as he was making his way to Hermione's bed, which was covered in books. He had visited Hermione every day, and made it his personal mission to help Hermione in making sure she wasn't left behind in her studies.

"Oh, good." Hermione smiled when she saw Joni coming. "Put those anywhere."

Joni looked around the bed, and in his mind there was no anywhere, so he simply placed the books on top of other books.

"Madam Pince asked that i relay a message to you, Hermione." Joni said, before laughing. "She'd appreciate it if you'd leave a few books for the school."

"I've got to keep up, haven't i?"

Just then, Hermione's tail came into view, twitching.

'That tail looks cute on her.' Joni though as he looked at the tail.

Realizing what he thought, he blushed slightly and shook his head slightly. "How long until your tail goes away?"

"Any day now, according to Madam Pomfrey. I'm just thankful i've stopped coughing up fur balls."

"So am i, believe me."

"Now, what about the Chamber of Secrets. Any new leads?"


"And has it gotten any better? I mean... is anyone speaking to you and Harry?"

"Neville asked to borrow a tubeworm in Potions yesterday. I suppose that's something."

Joni then noticed a card from under Hermione's pillow. Taking it, he saw it was a GET-WELL card.

"'To Miss Granger'..." He started to read the letter. "'... Wishing you a speedy recovery, from your concerned teacher Gilderoy Lockhart.'" That jealousy feeling started to come back. "He sent you a GET-WELL card?"

"Yes." Hermione replied, but there was no admiring tone in her voice. "I don't know how that got there. I've realized he's not as great as he claimed he was."

Joni felt really relieved when he heard her say this.

Moments later, Joni had joined Harry and Ron, and the boys were walking in the moving stairs. When the boys got on a platform, they stopped and noticed there was water coming on to it.

"What's this?"

The three then started to run to where the water was coming from, and came to the corridor where the girls bathroom was, and noticed the entire corridor was flooded.

"Yuck!" Ron said.

"This whole place's flooded, what happened?" Joni said, looking everywhere.

"Looks like Moaning Myrtle's flooded the bathroom." Harry said.

The boys went inside the bathroom, and saw how all the sinks were overflowing with water as the taps had been turned on. They then heard whimpering and Joni his hands towards a window where Myrtle was sitting.

Myrtle then stopped whimpering when she noticed the boys.

"Come to throw something else at me?" She asked.

"Why would we throw something at you?" Joni asked.

"Don't ask me."

Myrtle then got up and started floating.

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