Chapter 12

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Riley POV

We were just staring at each other maya leaned in and whispered to me. "like we planned" I nodded and turned my attention to Lucas again. "what cat got your tough." i said And smirked. "uhh" he tried saying. "see ya" I said to him.

and walked back over to maya. she smiled at me pleased. I let out a breath I've been holding in.

"you did good" she said high-fiving me. the subway stopped. "you ready for this?" She asked me. I gulped, "I guess" I said. We got off the subway and entered the school. immediately everyone was staring at me and whispering.

"what do I do now?" I whispered to maya. "just walk like you own the halls." she whispered back.

I did as I was told and we walked down the hall not looking at anyone. I started hearing people say stuff like,

"what happened to her" or "she's smoking hot"

that made me kinda uncomfortable. I held Maya's arm tight but not to tight. we finally made it to our lockers. it felt it took us a lifetime. I tightly held my books against my chest and leaned against my locker.

"so what's next?" I asked maya.

"well we already did step 3 confidence. now for step 4, prove your a player." she said grinning.

"how do we do that?" I asked her pushing myself off the lockers.

"easy the first guy that walks out that door." she said pointing to a random class. "you will talk to"

soon a guy about 16 that had black hair and a side ways haircut. wearing a leather jacket walked though the door.

A/N: you know how joe Jonas looked in Camp rock that's how joe looks in this.

"bingo, she said. go talk to him." She said.

"I don't know" I said unsure.

"Go" she said and pushed me towards him. I lost my balance and tripped on my shoelace. I ended up landing in his arms. I stared into his brown eyes.

"hi" he said softly. "what's your name." He said and flashed his billion dollar smile.

"Riley" I responded. "what a beautiful name." he said causing me to blush.

I looked at our position and I was still in his arms.

"um, you can let me go" I said.

oh um, right." he said and let me go

"what's your name?" I asked him. "Joe" he said. I smiled at him "nice to meet you joe." I said. "you too Rile." he said causing me to blush one again at his nickname for me

"well what class do you have?" He asked.

"Um history" I said.

"cool" he said. "I have that class"

Oh well I guess I'll see you there." I said.

"Yeah can't wait." he said winked at me. then walked away. I walked back over to maya. "phase 4 complete" She said.

Riley and Lucas enemies or forbidden love? (Book 1) *completed* ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin