Chapter 15

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Lucas p.o.v

I followed Riley and her date to the club. your probably wondering why, I followed them because  I don't want my Juliet getting hurt. and I was telling the truth when I said I love her. I admit I did have a plan to break her heart but instead she stole mine.

I got out of the car and followed them into the club. I saw how he gripped her arm tight and how she Whimpered i wanted to knock him in the face but I knew I couldn't, not yet at least. he took her to the back of the club immediately knew what was gonna happen next.

I raced towards them but hid so they wouldn't see me I watched from where I was hiding how he roughly kissed her how he slammed her against a wall witch caused her to cry it broke my heart to see her cry then he did something that set me off he punched her in the stomach causing her to fall to the ground.

I raced to Riley her eyes were closing she had a huge bruise on her lip and her side. "RILEY" I screamed. "PLEASE WAKE UP!." I screamed shaking her but not one movement. I turned to that joe guy anger boiling inside of me. "YOU" I yelled at him and tackled him to the ground and started punching him hard in the face.

"I know she wanted more." he said then I lost it and started punching him repeatedly I pushed him on the ground picked up Riley bridal style.

"never come near her again". I threatened him and ran out of the club

I put her in my car softly I could see in the light all the bruises she had I actually started crying from the sight I was in the drivers seat so I had to lean forward I touched her hair softly and pushed it out of her face. "please wake up, I need you" I whispered softly to her and drove to the hospital. I mad it to the hospital I ran over to the backseat got Riley out and carried her bridal style I raced through the hospital doors.

"HELP MY FRIEND NEEDS HELP."Immediately two nurses came checked her and they started shouting

"WE NEED A GURNEY." a doctor brought out a gurney they put her on it and they started rolling her into a room it was like it was happening in a flash I just watched her get wheeled into a room.

I waited in the waiting room I called her parents they said they'd be here immediately all that kept going through my mind was if Riley was gonna be ok or not she had to be she just had to be soon mr Matthews and mr's Matthews came through the door they asked

what happened. I told them everything.

"thank you Lucas for looking after my daughter," mr Matthews said to me and "you have my blessing to date my daughter."

"Thank you mr Matthews." I said to him

"call me Cory."

"Thank you Cory." I said then the nurse came through the door Riley Matthews we all stood up.

"she's fine she just has a few bruises."

can I see her?" I asked

"sure just be quiet." I nodded and went in her room she looked so beautiful even when she was asleep I grabbed a chair and sat down by her bed I grabbed her hand and started stroking it softly with my fingers.

"wake up my Juliet."  I whispered softly to her and kissed her softly on the forehead soon her eyes started opening. "Lucas" She in a raspy voice

"yes Juliet." I said. "thank you for saving me." She said and cracked a smile.

"anytime Juliet." I said

Riley POV

I don't know what came over me but I finally realized I'm in love with him and I don't want to deny it anymore "Lucas". I said

"yeah" I moved my finger forward telling him to come closer he did so when he was close to my face I whispered. "I love you"

Then put my hand softly behind his neck and our lips concreted it was the best feeling in the world I suddenly heard awes from a lot people me and Lucas pulled back to see my mom dad and maya.

"I see my plan worked" Maya said. "what do you mean" I asked confused.

"my plan was to get you two together all along the date the clothes everything was just to get you two love birds together and it worked." Maya said grinning my mom and dad laughed while me and Lucas blushed.

Lucas turned his attention to me. "so Riley Matthews will you be my girlfriend." He asked I was blushing hard now.

"yes I will."  I said smiling once again we heard awes but I didn't care I guess this bad day turned into a good day.

Riley and Lucas enemies or forbidden love? (Book 1) *completed* ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat