Blood Brothers.

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"I like it!" Sasha argued.

Bonnie cocked her head to the side.

She then reached out and tugged the sleeveless sweater out of Sasha's hands.

"It's ugly." She spoke bluntly.

Sasha pouted as Bonnie stuffed the sweater in and shut her locker.

"You can wear this one. It goes better with your outfit anyway." Bonnie spoke handing Sasha her black floral jacket.

"Hey, there are my favourite twins!"

Sasha turned around to see Caroline had hopped over to them.

Matt was behind her looking way less enthused than she was.

But then again Caroline basically ate sunshine for breakfast so it was often difficult to match her energy even if you tried.

"Hello to my favourite twin. And Sasha." Matt spoke.

Sasha rolled her eyes at him. "Haha."

Matt grinned before throwing an arm over Sasha playfully.

"Heard you rocked your gown and heels. Sorry I had to miss that." He teased.

Sasha pushed him off of her. She raised a finger at him.

"Enjoy this now, Donovan." She told him threateningly.

"So scared." Matt spoke sarcastically.

"How are you doing anyway, Miss Mystic Falls?" Bonnie spoke in a playful voice as the four of them started walking to class.

"She has been fighting the urge to wave at her adoring fans all morning." Matt commented.

Bonnie and Caroline walked in front of him and Sasha.

"I have not!" Caroline spoke turning to give Matt a playful glare.

"I can actually see that." Sasha mused.

She knew how much Caroline liked being the centre of attention.

Her winning that pageant was basically like a dream come true. Especially since Founder's month wasn't over and there were still lots of events she would be required to attend. Not only as a member of a founding family. But as the new Miss Mystic Falls.

"Okay enough teasing." Caroline spoke stopping to turn and look at her friends.

Caroline fiddled with her purple binder. "Has anyone seen Elena?" She asked.

"Not me." Bonnie responded immediately and indifferently.

Sasha frowned.

She hadn't seen or spoken to Elena either, mostly because she was being loyal to her sisters.

Bonnie didn't feel comfortable being around Stefan. And Sasha one hundred percent understood her reasoning.

Alisha was still jumping at every little sound in the house and what Stefan had done to her friend didn't help in the least.

So Sasha had chosen a side. And if it came down to her sisters and anyone else, the answer would always be her sisters.

She felt bad about Stefan but she just couldn't be involved as long as it made Bonnie uncomfortable.

"Maybe she's just running late." Sasha suggested.

She hadn't spoken to Elena and she didn't plan on it.

But she was concerned. Seeing Stefan in that state...

"Well that sucks. But I guess that just leaves you and me." Caroline told Sasha.

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