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"You guys, I'm telling you, you really need to come over to my place for this one last practice session." Sabrina told Tamela and Alisha.

The latter two shared an irritated look.

"Sab, you've made us practice the routine so much, I'm pretty sure I could do it in my sleep." Tamela told her.

"You guys know how much this means to me." She whined.

"Yeah, we know how relentless you are in your pursuit to be the next Caroline Forbes." Tamela teased.

"That is so not true. Even though she is quite literally perfect." Sabrina spoke.

"Sab, we've got this in the bag, trust me." Alisha told her.

She kind of felt bad though. She knew that they would get onto the squad for sure. But not only for their hard work but because of her sister and their friends. She knew she was a shoo-in.

No matter what people said, no one could deny that Mystic Falls was super cliquey. Your last name usually determined your popularity. Names like Lockwood, Fell, Bennett, Maxwell.

"Okay. I'll choose to believe you this time." Sabrina spoke reluctantly. "Anyone wanna head over to Mainline coffee or the Grill? I'm craving something warm and sweet."

"Uh, I actually can't. I have plans." Alisha spoke.

"With Sean?" Sabrina asked.

"Um, no." Alisha spoke. She actually hadn't seen her boyfriend all day and was wondering if he was avoiding her.

Had she been too harsh on him yesterday?

Was he finally realising how much of a kill joy and boring girlfriend she was?

"Oh my gosh, you're hanging out with Jeremy, aren't you?" Tamela squealed.

"What?" Sabrina asked in outrage.

"Sab, chill." Alisha told her friend quickly.

"He ghosted you and was super rude. Besides, he's a junkie drug dealer now. You do not want yo hang out with someone like him."

Alisha felt herself get upset. "Don't talk about him like that, he was going through a lot."

"We all go through things, Ali. But his behaviour is unacceptable. Trust me, I'm your friend. Jeremy is going to bring you nothing but trouble." She spoke.

"He's my best friend." Alisha spoke defensively.

"He's a loss." Sabrina spoke.

"Sab, chill out. Jeremy was our friend too." Tamela told her.

"Yeah, before he turned into that." She spoke, tucking one of her curled blonde locs behind her ear.

"Sweetie," she told Alisha as she reached forward to rub her arm, "I'm just looking out for you. You do not want to be associated with such people."

"No offence, but right now, I don't want to be associated with people like you." She spoke before spinning around and walking away.


"Oh my gosh! Finally, some interesting company!" Vicki exclaimed when she saw Matt and Sasha walk into the hospital room she was in. "Having Matty over here as my bed sitter made me wish they had given me more sedatives."

"Haha." Matt told her sarcastically as he set down his duffel bag which contained some fresh clothes for Vicki.

"Well, I am told that my bedside manner is a mix of Russel Crow and Oprah Winfrey. So you are going to have a blast with me around." Sasha spoke.

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