Children of the Damned

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"Hey, it's me again. Anna. Stalker chick and Foosball champion. I'll be at the Grill later, if you want, you know, a rematch, or whatever." Anna spoke before hanging up and sighing.

She rolled over on the bed she lay on, running a hand down her face in frustration.

Sean turned to look at her from where he sat at the dresser. "Jeremy?" He guessed.

Anna got up from the bed and walked towards Sean.

"I completely messed things up last night." She spoke wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders.

Sean took her hands and rubbed them gently.

"Hey don't worry about it. We all make mistakes."

He definitely had made his fair share with Alisha. Sean tried not to think about the night before as if Anna would read his mind and find out about how he had royally messed up.

"Yeah but I can't afford to make any more. I need to get my mother back and that's not gonna happen until I get that journal."

Sean shifted where he sat and tugged on Anna's hand so that she fell onto his lap.

He looked at her beautiful face. He had signed up to help her find her mother even before he had fallen for her. And he still planned on doing it. It's just that things had gotten more... complicated.

"We're gonna get the journal. One way or another. He said he gave it to his history teacher, right?"

"Right." Anna nodded.

"Then all we have to do is steal it." Sean spoke. "We won't even need Jeremy Gilbert anymore."

Anna hesitated. "Uhm, yeah -"

"Are we talking about the Gilbert kid, again?" Ben emerged from the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist and another one he was using to dry his hair.

He plopped down on the other single bed in the room. "If I didn't know you two were a thing, I would think you were, like, into him."

Anna got up from Sean's lap.

"That's not it. Get dressed." Anna spoke picking up a shirt and tossing it at the new vamp.

"Yeah, yeah."

Ben got up, picking up the shirt in the process. He walked over to the window and pulled the curtain back. The sun rays seeped in and immediately started to burn him, his skin startedto smoke, and he let out a yell.

Sean was up immediately and sped to the curtain, closing it immediately.

"Dude, you gotta stop doing that." He spoke in a scolding voice.

"I know. I just-I keep forgetting." Ben spoke as he rubbed his skin which was already healing.

"You're new. You'll get it." Anna told him.

Ben looked at the open journal lying next to Anna and picked it up. He lay down on one of the beds and examined the contents.

"You found the Gilbert journal?" He asked, looking intrigued.

"Does that look like the Gilbert journal?" Anna asked.

Ben shut it picking up on Anna's sarcastic voice. "Well, it's old and musty, and how am I supposed to know the difference?"

Anna stood up and took the journal away. "I don't know, I figured maybe, just maybe, you've been paying a little bit of attention since we met."

Ben scoffed. "You know, you don't have to talk down to me. I'm not stupid."

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