The Party

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Three months ago

"Sasha! Come dance with us!" Sasha Bennett looked up and saw Bonnie and Caroline in the middle of the makeshift dance floor the sophomore teenagers had created.

"Give me a sec! I just need to get a drink!" Sasha called back holding up her empty cup for emphasis.

She didn't think Bonnie even heard her over the loud music but she raised her thumbs up at her anyway.

Sasha started making her way across the Lockwood clearing where they were having the party.

"Hey Sash, looking good." Sasha turned to smirk at the source of the voice. Julian, one of the junior guys on the football team who was obviously here because of Tyler and Matt.

"Tell me something I don't know." Sasha called back before grinning to herself and turning back to strut towards the beverages table.

She could practically feel Julian's eyes on her as she strutted away.

"I would be careful with Julian McCall if I were you." Sasha hadn't even noticed Tyler show up at the beverage table as well.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Sasha spoke innocently as she poured herself some punch.

Tyler rolled his eyes and leaned against the table.

"So that wasn't you I just saw flirting with him?"

Sasha took a sip of the cherry flavoured beverage before responding.

"Ty, you know better than to worry about me. I can take care of myself." She told him.

"Oh I know." Tyler spoke. "I'm scared for him. The season is coming to an end and I'd rather not have our quarterback moping around because you broke his heart."

Sasha smirked. She had already established her reputation as a 'queen of hearts'. Even among the older guys.

Tyler knew his friend would never admit it but she loved the power that came with being wanted by most of the male population at Mystic Falls high.

"I'd be doing the female population a favour if I broke your little quarterback's heart. He definitely doesn't mind breaking every other girl's heart." Sasha spoke bluntly.

"Yeah, well, Julian knows how to get the ladies." Tyler spoke.

Sasha rolled her eyes. "And you worship him."

She hated how much Tyler had changed since joining the football team. Tyler had always been good looking but it seemed like he hadn't realised it just as much as when he was on the football team. Particularly around the likes of superstar jerks like Julian."

"No I don't. I just look up to the guy." Tyler spoke.

Yeah right. Sasha thought to herself. She knew Tyler had thrown this party behind his parents back because of Julian. And she knew how much Julian didn't mind using Tyler for his money.

Sasha knew Tyler would soon realise what kind of guy Julian was. Right now he was still revelling in finally getting onto the football team and being accepted.

But in the meantime, Sasha wasn't letting Julian screw her best friend over.

Besides, she wanted to say. Tyler didn't have to worry about her doing anything with Julian. He wasn't exactly the guy he had sights on.

"Hey, where's Matt?" She asked changing the topic as she looked around for the third member of their trio.

Tyler nodded in the opposite direction.

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