Monsters in Our Midst

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"You think Caroline is okay?" Bonnie asked Sasha as they pulled up to their house.

It was dark and most of the lights were already off.

Sasha didn't expect her father to be mad about them getting home so late. He usually wasn't too hard on them when it came to curfew because they had never given him a reason to be.

Besides, when it came to events like these in such a small town. All he would have to do was pick up the phone and call one of the adults to find out where they were.

And Bonnie had made sure to tell him that they might be in a little bit later anyway since they had to take Caroline home. She didn't add the part where Caroline was completely in shambles.

Bonnie was worried about her friend. She had been willing to spend the night even so that Caroline wouldn't have to be alone but Caroline wouldn't hear of it. She just wanted to be alone.

Bonnie turned to look at her sister who was uncharacteristically silent.

"Hey, you okay?"

Sasha had completely zoned out.

Of course she wasn't okay. Strange things kept happening tonight. Just when she thought zapping the quarterback of the school football team was weird enough, she finds out that vampires exist and not only that, she saw one. Two actually.

How could anyone expect her to be okay?

"Is it the candles thing?" Bonnie asked softly.

She had been freaked out by that as well and she kept racking her mind trying to come up with an explanation but nothing came to her.

One minute the candles weren't lit and the next they were.

"It was probably nothing." Bonnie spoke quickly. It sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than she was Sasha. "Maybe Mrs Lockwood got those electric candles? The ones that light themselves."

Sasha looked at Bonnie. She could easily brush that off, look for a logical explanation but she couldn't anymore.

She had seen Damon's face. She knew what she had done to Julian. She knew that there was no logical explanation for all of that and it scared her.

"You've right. I'm just tired." Sasha spoke.

She wanted so badly to tell Bonnie everything. She was, afterall her confidant and best friend. The one person she could trust with all her secrets.

But the truth was that she was scared. She didn't know what was going on and it all frightened her.

"You and me both, girl. Let's get in and get some rest." She told her. All Bonnie wanted to do was forget what had happened tonight.

Sasha agreed and they both got out of the car and walked up to their house.

The girls went up the stairs, separating only to go to their rooms.

Sasha paused to watch Bonnie disappear into her room.

She suddenly felt tense.

Was she safe? Were any of them safe?

She reached out to touch her neck were Damon had almost squeezed the life out of her.

She turned to look at Alisha's door which had a pink letter 'A' decorated with flowers around it.

They all had their initials on their bedroom doors at one point in their lives. Their mother set them up. Bonnie and Sasha had long since gotten rid of theirs but Ali was still holding on to hers.

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