Miss Mystic Falls Part I

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Alisha sucked in a deep breath and looked at herself in the mirror.

She ran her hands down her hips smoothing down her skirt.

Was it too short? She wondered.

She had already changed her outfit three times, nothing really felt... right.

Nothing made her feel like herself.

Alisha fingered the ring on her finger. A wave of sadness past through her as she thought about how it was the last thing her Grams had ever given her.

The last thing she would ever receive from her.

Alisha quickly dropped her hand and took in a deep breath trying to steady herself and fight back the tears.

Her bedroom door opened slowly.

She turned to see Sasha and Bonnie hanging by the door.

"Can we come in?" Bonnie asked softly.

Alisha rolled her eyes. "Since when have you ever had to ask?"

Alisha walked towards her bed to finish packing her backpack.

"How are you doing?" Sasha asked.

Bonnie sat down on Alisha's bed looking up at her.

Both of her older sisters had been walking on egg shells around her lately and quite frankly she was tired of it.

They were treating her like an egg. A defenceless, fragile egg.

"I'm okay, can we go to school now?" Alisha asked as she shouldered her bag.

Sasha stood in front of her blocking her.

She cocked her head to the side.

"Ali, the past week has been a lot for you, we know that. We just want to make sure you're okay."

"And we can't do that if you don't talk to us." Bonnie appeared behind her and took her backpack from her.

Alisha let out a breath.

Of course she had been quiet lately.

Things in her life had taken a turn.

Grams was dead, she discovered she was a witch and that supernatural creatures like vampires existed, her boyfriend had compelled her throughout their entire relationship, she had watched Vicki die...

Alisha had been having recurring nightmares about all of it. She saw Vicki's monstrous face all them time. And it was usually attacking her.

Sometimes her nightmares were different. In them she was paralysed by Sean and he didn't with her as he pleased.

During particularly bad once's she would wake up and her magic would cause things to go flying all over or break.

Sasha and Bonnie had even resorted to sleeping in her room with her to try and control it incase it woke their dad up.

"I'm fine guys." Alisha lied.

She didn't need them both hovering over her every second. It was beginning to make her feel suffocated.

"And if I have something to say, I will tell you." Alisha took her backpack back from Bonnie and turned to leave the room.

Sasha stood beside her sister watching her leave.

They both sighed.

"She's lying." Sasha spoke.

"Yep." Bonnie agreed.

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