A Typical Bennett Morning

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"Guys! We're going to be late, get your butts down here!" Bonnie Bennett yelled impatiently as she rushed down the stairs, stopping in front of the mirror in the hallway to apply her lip gloss.

"Morning sweetie." Rudy Hopkins, the Bennett sister's father greeted as he walked by her, heading to the kitchen, engrossed in the newspaper he was reading.

"Dad!" Bonnie whined. "Will you tell your daughters to get down here? I really don't want to be late for the first day back to school."

Rudy shrugged at his daughter. "Sorry, baby girl. But I washed my hands of school drop off duties the minute I got you ladies a car."

Bonnie huffed.

Her and Sasha had started begging their father for a car on their sixteenth birthday the minute they got their permits. Bonnie had been ecstatic when their father complied and got them one. Problem was, Sasha drove like a crazy woman so the Bennett sister's had an unspoken agreement never to let her behind the wheel and of course Ali didn't have her license yet so of course, all the responsibility fell on Bonnie.

"Hey, I'm ready! I'm ready!" Alisha, the youngest Bennett sister announced as she rushed down the stairs.

Bonnie cocked her head to the side and stared at her in amusement. "Someone looks extra cute."

Alisha looked down at her outfit and felt her face getting warm. Of course she had given a lot of thought into her outfit.

Her and her bestfriend, Sabrina, had decided during the summer that this would be their year. For Sabrina, that meant no longer being a freshmen and finally being able to try out for cheerleading and also hang out with the older kids and go to their parties.

For Alisha, it meant not being in her sister's shadows for once in her life. She wanted to be her own person and stand out.

"Thanks. You don't look too shabby yourself." Alisha told Bonnie in a teasing voice before walking up to her and planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Thanks. I was going for Naomi Campbelle street style but you know, school appropriate." Bonnie replied.

"Well dear sister, you nailed it." Alisha told her.

Bonnie flipped her hair to the side and winked at Ali.

"Where in the world is Sash?" She asked in exasperation remembering that they still had to get to school.

Alisha shrugged before making her way to the kitchen. "Morning daddy." She greeted her father, going over to place a kiss on his cheek.

"Morning baby girl." He greeted. "Want some breakfast?"

"Wants on the menu?" Alisha asked already going to the fridge and taking out a box of strawberries.

"Well, I made toast but it got burnt and we're out of eggs so -"

"Cereal?" The two spoke simultaneously before laughing.

Alisha knew her father couldn't cook to save his life. When their mother left, their grams had stayed with them for some time and made sure they were all fed. Eventually Bonnie and Sasha learnt to cook and Grams went back home when she felt they could manage without her.

"Sounds great, dad. But don't you have a meeting starting -" Alisha looked up at the clock, "soon?"

"Oh crap! Yeah. Thank you, baby." Mr Hopkins spoke hurriedly taking a sip of his coffee.

He walked over and placed a kiss on his youngest daughter's head. Alisha had just grabbed a bowl to put her cereal in.

"Hey, do me a favour and make sure your sisters don't kill each other."

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