Boy Trouble

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"I live in fear. It consumes me. In the early evening when I see the sun begin to fade, the fear comes, because I know that the night brings death." Jeremy lowered the journal he had been reading from and raised his brows at Alisha.

Alisha who was lying on his bed fiddling around with a baseball gave him a 'yikes' look.

"You were right, that's pretty morbid." She spoke setting the ball back and sitting up.

Jeremy set the journal down on this desk and spun around in his swivel chair.

"Tell me about it, this Jonathan Gilbert guy was weird."

Alisha smiled at Jeremy playfully. "To be fair, I think you all are."

Jeremy rolled his eyes. "I'm serious Ali, how am I supposed to right a redeeming paper out of this nonsense?"

Alisha frowned before getting up and walking towards Jeremy. "Hey, I don't think it's nonsense."

She picked up the journal. "Think about it this way, your great great great grandfather was living in a time of war and violence, he was scared and paranoid. Does it really shock you that he started seeing strange creatures? Or maybe he didn't. Maybe the ''monsters' his writing about are the soldiers."

"Hey!" Alisha pipped up. "What if that's what your paper can be on?"

Jeremy rose his brows. "My crazy great great great grandfather?"

"No." Alisha rolled her eyes. "The delusions that soldiers in the time of the war faced and how it affected their sanity."

Jeremy was quiet thinking about it for a while. "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea! I could totally work that angle."

Alisha beamed glad they were making progress.

Jeremy reached out and too her hand pulling her closer. "You are so smart."

Alisha blushed at how he was looking at her.

"I am, aren't I?" She spoke playfully.

Jeremy tugged on her hand pulling her into him. She straddled him, their lips connecting. Alisha's hands got lost in Jeremy's hair as his found their way to her waist pulling her closer to him.

Jeremy suddenly pulled away and started sucking on the side of her neck. Alisha let out an involuntary moan which brought her to her senses. She was suddenly more aware of Jeremy's hands underneath her shirt trailing their way up her back.

She suddenly pulled back, getting up.

Jeremy looked at her not expecting that.

"Oh, uhm, we're gonna be late for school." She spoke as she turned to pick up her scarf and backpack.

It was clear that she was flustered.

"Uh, yeah." Jeremy spoke clearing his voice.

Had he done something wrong? Vicki usually liked when he did that.


Sasha pressed the doorbell and stood back from the door sucking in a deep breath.

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