Chapter 22 - Guarded Feelings

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Quick note but thank you so, so, so, much for over 100K reads. It's unreal! I appreciate each vote, comment and read! <3



- 6 Days Later -

6:26 P.M

"Ava, this is the fourth voicemail I've left, for god's sake. Where the hell are you?" Your frustration reverberates through the phone as you pace inside your living room with one hand on your hip, showing your apparent annoyance. "You said you'd be back by Friday. Today is Saturday. I have to get to work in two hours, and I can't leave Irene alone." You pause, trying to calm down. "Please call me when you get this."

With a sigh, you hang up the phone, tossing it onto the bed. No matter what, she will always be irresponsible with her promises. You try to understand her, but she has to understand you too. You don't have the luxury now to take a day off since you work outside the family's hospital.

Suddenly, Irene, still in her pajamas, makes her way into the living room. Her hair adorably tousled, and her hand into small fist, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Your irritation leaves instantly at the precious display.

"Oh hey there, Sleeping Beauty. Did you have a good nap?"

With a lazy nod, she groggily utters in her small, high-pitched voice, "Auntie, I'm hungry."

"I made you some macaroni with tomato sauce and oregano. Let's go and eat, okay?" you say with a faint smile as you start to walk towards the kitchen. You hear Irene padding behind you as you hear her small yawn. 

The past week has been a blur, operating on autopilot—taking Irene to school, then going to work for your shift, then picking up her from school, helping her with homework, having to cook for her, and squeezing in your piano studies. It has been extremely challenging, making you feel like a single mother. Still, you are quite saddened she'll leave.

Because Irene's company gave you a comforting escape - playing, drawing, and spending time with her also gave you the experience of the childhood you wished to live. Along with the innocence she casts, it acts like a magical shield, momentarily pulling you away from the troubles that have torture you lately, especially the unresolved situation with Leon.

The abrupt silence from him after that fateful night is boiling within you. The memories replay like an endless loop—the tender kiss, the harsh shift in his attitude the morning after, and his failure to even offer an apology. It's disheartening to realize that instead of softening, he grew harsher, especially towards you. After everything you've been through together, it's difficult to comprehend...

You're extremely disappointed in him.

Upon reaching the kitchen with Irene, you open the cabinet, grabbing a neat white plate before adding a small portion and placing it before her. A napkin and fork follow, placed within Irene's reach, and she eagerly digs into her meal. Fingers wrap around the fork's metal, savoring the first juicy, doughy bite.

"Do you like it?" you ask softly, and Irene nods as she chews. "I'm glad."

Seated, you observe your niece with tenderness as she enjoys her meal, while your ears automatically focus on the clock's ticking. You want to call Ava again, but you know she won't answer.

"What do you want to play after I eat?" Irene asks, looking up at you. Turning your attention back to her, you gently take the napkin and wipe away the saucy mustache formed around her mouth.

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