Chapter 19 - One Loose End

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| - Extremely Long Chapter - |

⚠️ This whole chapter contains descriptions that might bring you discomfort. Be advised! ⚠️


Leon hurriedly exits the deserted stable through the back exit. A heavy storm has erupted, adding a layer of difficulty to focus on his surroundings. The overflow of rain cleanses his filthy face, while the moon continues to glow, giving a small glimpse of light to this fucked up place.

After securely shutting the door behind him, Leon begins to jog cautiously around the mansion, just to find it still surrounded by Umbrella's abandoned vans. With stealth, he carefully proceeds closer, prepared to confront any lurking Ganados or soldiers. After the island, this is too unfamiliar to him.

Suddenly, a discomforting beeping shatters the fragile peace, its persistent intrusion piercing Leon's eardrums. A sharp sting captures his chest, eliciting a loud and pained grunt as he shuts his eyes.

"Persistent little lamb." Saddler's voice insidiously chimes inside his brain. At that moment, Leon can feel the familiar yet nightmarish sensation of the parasite wriggling on the interiors of his chest. The hallucinations begin to resurface, attempting to manipulate his mind once again. He tries his best to maintain his consciousness by forcefully jerking his head to shake away the horrific commands.

With slow but unsteady efforts, he regains his footing. His hand instinctively finds his holster, confirming the presence of his gun. Steeling himself, he begins his way inside the mansion, determined to find a safer and quicker entrance.

He will not leave this place without the team's doctor.


Chris paces back and forth. Arms firmly crossed, and a stern expression fixed somewhere ahead. Piers maintains a strong grip on his rifle, tracking every subtle shift in Chris' movements. Meanwhile, Carlos casually leans against the fractured entrance of the stable, arms and legs crossed, silently observing the tense stillness enveloping the unhealthy atmosphere. In the background, the relentless raindrops pounding on the stable's roof provide a steady, echoing backdrop.

Hercules is sitting on a wooden box. Eyebrows low, eyes on the captain. His legs slowly part, and he leans forward, placing his arms on his knees before exhaling deeply. "I didn't expect this to happen, Chris. But you have to understand-"

"I don't want to hear another word from you, Hercules."

Hercules sighs, shaking his head. "I knew the risks that would be taken, bringing her all this way here, but I had to do it," he continues, standing up. "Carlos and Claire went against it, and she got here because I asked her to, I'm not hiding it. But it was Leon and Luis in the cult's hands. My help wouldn't be useful enough because I have no clue how to medically treat the parasite."

"That doesn't change the fact you went against my orders. Now there is more than one life that is in danger. And all thanks to your great ordering."


"You don't get to decide who joins the mission," Chris strides closer, entering Hercules' personal space. The tone in his voice lowering drastically. "That's only my call. We operate as a team, and you follow damn orders."

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