Chapter 18 - Death Wish

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| - Extremely Long Chapter - |
(like really. I'm not joking)

⚠️ This whole chapter contains descriptions that might bring you discomfort. Be advised! ⚠️


"I think the nurse's interest is beyond professional."

"Be more specific."

 "Something's quite off. I notice the way she's looking at him."

"And what about Leon?"

"I can't tell. But after Rosewood, he became protective of her. They seem to have got..quite close."

"I see. Then if we are smart enough, we can use this well...unspoken bond, to our advantage."

"I'm all ears. What do you want us to do?"


1:34 A.M

You slowly stir around on your couch before you wake up from the faint sound of your phone buzzing on the coffee table. The TV murmurs in the background, casting a dim glow across your living room, while the sky outside overwhelms in near-black darkness. Lifting your body just so slightly on the couch, your eyes barely open as you wearily reach to grab your phone. Your eyes squint at the bright light coming from the screen, and your brows lower in confusion once you see a specific contact calling you at this time.

Unknown number.

Rubbing your eyes, you languidly bring the phone to your ear, answering tiredly, "Hello?"

"(y/n)- It's Claire. You need to come to the base." Claire's voice from the other line gives a sense of urgency.

"Why, what's wrong?"

"...Leon and Luis are gone." 

You freeze for a moment before quickly sitting up, swinging your legs over the edge of the couch. A chill runs down your spine, waking up immediately as the words sink in. "What—do you mean gone?"

"I'll tell you everything in person. Piers and Chris have left to find them. They're not in Vinderline. You need to be here in case you will be required.."

"Of course- I'll be there as soon as possible." You say, before ending the call. Your heart begins to race, a million scenarios swirl in your mind. All you can hope for is that neither Leon nor Luis were in serious danger.


Claire ends the call, and her head quickly turns to Carlos' who has been engrossed in electronic devices, trying to locate the two missing men for the past hour.

"Any updates on their location?" Claire asks, hurrying towards him, phone still in her hand.

Carlos looks up from his equipment, taking his phone back from Claire as he speaks, "When Luis called, they were still in Vinderline. According to the signal from his phone, it appears they've moved to Cuba," he pauses, looking back to his screen. "Did you call Hercules?"

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