Chapter 6 - Sinful Team

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"Sacrificial lamb. It is your time to receive...our most sacred body." The mysterious voice, speaks in a quiet, yet soothing tone, while he slowly opens the suitcase with the Plagas.

He caresses his fingertips against the metallic surface of the needle, before picking it carefully in his hands. With slow steps, he approaches his new 'alliance'.

"Come, child. Let your sins be cleansed." He whispers, before injecting the parasite into his very first victim after the outbreak on the island, who is currently unconscious.

24 syringes are now left.


- 3 Days Later -

You tap your phone nervously in your palms, walking back and forth while you are waiting for Chris to arrive. You can't help but feel anxious, and curious. What could that job be, to require a doctor for the scenario 'just in case something bad happens'? Who are the people you are going to team with? What if this job can possibly endanger your life? So many questions are raining on your mind. The doubts are like fog, making you lose the sense of logic.

You take a hasty look at the time on your phone. It's almost three. In a few minutes, everything will be answered. Thing is, what will be your final answer?

Your phone suddenly goes off, grasping instantly your attention. The screen lights up to show Ava's contact calling you. You sigh in slight bother, since she's the last one you want to talk to right now, before picking up. "What is it, Ava?"

"(y/n), Aiden and I want to go out for dinner, and mom and dad can't keep Irene, because they are at work. Can you babysit for three hours at max?" You raise an eyebrow at her request.

"Wait. What about Aiden's parents?"

"They're on vacation to see Leena. They will be back next week." You sigh, rubbing your palm against your forehead. "Look I'm telling you it will be only for three hours-"

"Listen, Ava. I can't." You straight-up answer, leaving her in surprise with your tone and your reply. You hear silence for a few seconds.

"-...But you're a day off today."

"And? Does that mean that I can't have any other plans?"

"No, because you never go out?" Her ironic question makes you roll your eyes.

"Ava, I can't babysit Irene and that's final!" you slightly raise your voice. "I have a job interview in a bit. So I am sorry at home, I guess."

"What?...Job interview?...For what?"

Right before you could answer, the doorbell of your home goes off. It must be Chris... "Listen, they're here so I gotta go."

"Wait, what job-"  before Ava can complete her question, you hang up the phone and toss it on the couch. You take a deep breath, feeling your heartbeat slowly increasing from the nervousness.

You make your way and stand right in front of the door, placing your hand slowly against the doorknob. You look at the wood for two seconds, before you whisper to yourself, "Here goes nothin'."

Sinful | Leon KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now