Chapter 3 - Recovery

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 10:53 A.M. 

The time is almost 11 in the morning, yet, you were awake from dawn. The events that occurred last night, couldn't let you sleep well. The flashbacks were coming and going by the time you got home. The drama with Sadie, the terror you had felt by that creepy dude-, but mostly-

 The drama with Sadie, the terror you had felt by that creepy dude-, but mostly-

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Leon Kennedy..That mysterious-looking savior.

You still find it crazy how he got there on time, and how easily he confronted the man that was following you. He appeared out of nowhere, and with extremely quick precision, he immobilized him. His extremely quick precision is what you each time you think about it. 

It all looked felt a scene from the sappy romance movies you love to watch secretly—where the two love interests meet so unexpectedly— in the specific scenario: the male protagonist appears out of nowhere and saves the woman from someone 'dangerous'. Something that is so cheesy and kind of cringy at worst to non-hopeless romantics...yet, it is something that actually happened. you.

By remembering better his facial features and figure can't lie but believe that he looked extremely attractive as well...

You sit right on the edge of the bed, trying to push those thoughts of this guy away. You don't want to start liking someone you'll never see again, just for simply helping you out in a scary situation. Not to also mention...that this is another pet peeve of yours.

Falling in love too easily...

Soon, your eyes meet your sleek black piano that stands beautifully next to your desk. Getting off of your bed, you make your way to the instrument and settle down, stretching and wriggling your fingers, before they embrace the keys. 

You close your eyes, letting your mind travel, and your fingers do their magic...produce one of Beethoven's concertos, specifically No.3. Stepping onto the pedal, you allow each note to reveberate, feeling the vibration of the gentle bass notes resonating through the floor.

Eyes close, head slightly sways to feel the slow rhythm, its beautiful yet melancholic melody. Unti—

The doorbell of your home rings pushes you away almost unpleasantly from the world of peacefulness, the soft cloud you were mentally resting on, throwing you on the hard floor.

Returning to reality, you sigh as you close the lid and get up, making your way outside of your room. Once you reach and open the door, you see a not so unexpected surprise-

Your sister Ava, with her daughter and one big suitcase. You exhale in annoyance, looking at her.

"Again?" you ask tiredly, holding onto the door.

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