Chapter 17 - Cold Replacement

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"This is the team's new doctor, Leon. Hercules Hamasaki."

Leon's cautious gaze remains fixed on the new member of the team, while Claire maintains a respectful distance. You on the other hand still try to comprehend this guy's name. Hercules...Hamasaki? What kind of a name is even that?

Hercules, standing before you. A surprisingly tall guy, almost the same height as Chris and Leon's.

 His face bears stories of battles fought, carved in the form of deep scars, one and most obvious stretching along his jawline

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His face bears stories of battles fought, carved in the form of deep scars, one and most obvious stretching along his jawline. His eyes, a blend of dark brown verging on hazel, intently scan your form. His short, dark hair is neatly slicked and parted, and his Asian facial features complement his muscular physique, emphasized by strong cheekbones and a well-defined jawline. He takes two steps towards you and slowly extends his hand. As he does, his shirt sleeve rides up, revealing a heavily tattooed arm.

"Pleasure to meet you," he speaks up, his voice resonant and soothing.

You hesitantly offer your hand, shaking his in return. With a slight nod, you break the contact. Hercules briefly glances at Leon before taking a step back. Meanwhile, Chris keeps a watchful eye on you, his expression reflecting..relief that you're here.

"Hercules has been aiding the Greek Forces since the age of 16. Three years later, he relocated to the U.S. and served at the A.M.S.F as a soldier. Simultaneously, he pursued his medical studies. Now, at the age of 29, he is one of the greatest military doctors in Japan," Piers reports to the present members of the team. "He arrived this morning, to assist us in completing our mission, and provide the medical care we were seeking for the past 5 days."

God. This dude is surely way better than you, and you got all the way back here, just to see yourself being replaced like that. This is too fucking embarrassing to experience.

"Now that I have answered to your question, Leon, time to answer Chris'," Piers says, turning to you. "What are you doing here, (y/n)? As I recall, you abandoned the mission five days ago."

Of course, he would remind you that and in front of everyone. Worst thing? Unfortunately, Piers is often right, this instance included. You crave to slip into a closet and vanish from view. The situation is almost too much to bear, but you have to finally stand up for yourself and try to explain your position, what you felt that horrific day. Just like how you managed to do with Leon.

You open your mouth, seeking words to convey your feelings. Yet, not a single word manages to come out. How can you make him understand? Piers, too, is a highly capable soldier familiar with dealing with such situations, almost on a daily basis.

"She is here because I asked her to," Leon speaks up instead, stepping firmly by your side. He subtly meets your gaze before addressing Piers, "Consider it her reentry."

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