Idol Life 6

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Many many months later, the group is still having their world tour. Flying from one country to another. They almost live inside the private plane because of it.

Their schedules are so packed until some of the members are sick due to exhaustion and lack of sleep.

"Sana~yaa..please get a meal. You're getting skinny that it makes us worried sick" Jihyo place a bag that contains food on the table in front of Sana.

"I'm on a diet Jihyo~ah 🙂"

"You're already thin, please get a bite. Nayeon unnie keeps asking me if you already eat or not. Momo will freak out if you faint again on the stage"

"Just one more day Jihyo~ah then my diet will end"

"Are you sure🤨"

"Yeah tomorrow is the last day"

"I'm so worried about your health too. Once already saw you faint by the time the lights are off after we end our concert😥"

"That time, my legs are wobbly Jihyo~ah"

"Yeah right, wobbly then you're unconscious😐"

"Oh that...I'm just resting my eyes"

"Don't lie to me Sana. What will Tzuyu say. He will scold us for not taking care of you. He also keeps asking me if you're already eating on time. That giant should ask you directly instead of asking me😑" Jihyo scoff.

"He did" Sana eyes get teary as soon as she hears Tzuyu's name.

"Yeah, he asked me everyday an-" Jihyo was interrupted by her notification phone. She checks and shows it to Sana.

"Speaking of the Yoda..see he text me. I was wondering....did you two fight🤨"

"No, we're not fighting😧"


"I swear"

"Then he could have texted you instead of me or you could text him"

"I don't want to text him"

"Just text him Sana. I am very sure he will be delighted to hear you especially when he misses you like crazy😌"


"Why would I lie"

"Should I call him"

"You should" Sana stare at her phone, hesitate to call him then put her phone away.

"What are you doing😐" Jihyo raise her eyebrow, giving Sana a questioning look.

"Uhm obviously putting my phone away"

"Well! Are you not gonna call him"

"Maybe next time" Jihyo groans in disapproval while rolling on the bed.


"I just can't"

"Just tell me the truth Sana...are you both fighting"

"We are not fighting Ji😮‍💨"

"Then why are your eyes pooling with river"

"I-i am not🥺" Jihyo sigh. She sits beside Sana then places her hand on top of Sana giving her comfort.

"Look Sana, you can always be honest with me and you can bother me with what's on your mind. Don't keep it to yourself. Me as your friend and as a leader of the group, I care for you all whether it's about work or personal life. You can always count on me because I will be there for you. I will be your shoulder and ears 😊" Sana begins to sob hard after hearing it from Jihyo.

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