It's You 7

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Month has passed and now it's November, everyone is busy with their upcoming exams. It's also been a month since Sana and Vernon became a couple after week of courting.

Since the rumour about them has been confirmed, Tzuyu got no reaction about it.

He also saw how happy Sana is. He can tell. She's been so smiley everyday. Even glow up more. Yeah they still sit together, talk like usual but Tzuyu didn't cross the line. He usually pat her head, kiss on top of her head but ever since Sana officially together with Vernon, he stop doing it.

They joke around, doing assignment together and yeah just like bestie. He didn't bring Sana to his favourite place because Vernon always fetch her.

Even in her free time, Sana just go straight home. Tzuyu don't want even know whether she just don't want to go with him or she just had another plan.

Even though they already fix their friendship, but they didn't goes out often. But Tzuyu feel thankful that they still seatmate.

For the whole month, Tzuyu wasted his time at his favourite place, where he and Sana last went.

He like to rewind that moment, drowning himself into that moment.

I miss you. Can I just brought you out with me even just for a day as a friend Sana..everytime I wanna ask you out, you also had a date with Vernon. But I'm thankful that we still talk

Chaeyoung and Dahyun are also there for him, to let Tzuyu forget about his feelings towards Sana. They just want him to know that they'll always be there for him. They knew Tzuyu like her so bad.

Lately he just busy himself with assignment and gym. Hitting the punch bag letting his frustration out.

"Hey Tzu" Sana reach out to him when Tzuyu is about to go.


"Are you okay"

"Yeah why do you ask. Do I..look not okay" He check himself as if something wrong with him.

"You're getting thin"

"Oh really"

"I just notice it, I don't know what the others saw you but you're getting thin"

"Hmm I look the same though"

"But I-"

"Anyway I'm in a rush if you don't mind I need to get going, since sport days is coming. I need to practise more"

"Okay see you Tzu" Tzuyu nod and smile at her. He walk away in a rush leaving Sana alone in empty class.

I wanna go with you too.

"Oh Vernon, I forgot he's also there" Sana walk her way to the field to support him.

On the field side, Tzuyu saw Chaeyoung and Dahyun also Jihyo were already there.

"Tzuyu over here" Chaeyoung called.

"Hey dude I'm so nervous"

"Relax dude, we know how fast you are"

"1500m dude I might get cramp" Stretching himself, warming up until sweat visible on his forehead.

"Don't worry this is just a practise"

"You got this, we join relay 4x100m and 4x400m. But you join too many sport event dude" Dahyun said.

"I'm just bored that's why I participate others sport"


"I gotta go dude"

"Good luck cuz" Jihyo said patting his back. Then accidentally touch his sweat.

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