Are We? ✓

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It was in the middle of the night. A chill cool air can be feel inside the house even though no air conditioner was turned on. A certain woman sits on her outdoor longue chair at the balcony, staring at the sky In front of her.

She can't sleep at all. Usually at this time, she would be laying on the bed cover with a thick blanket. This night she just want to have herself time alone.

Thinking about herself...

And her girlfriend.

She also keeps taking a glance on her phone to check the time, hoping that it's already 1 am but it's moving so slow.

She sighs and continues to stargaze the beautiful stars. She doesn't care about the cold air. Even if she keeps shivering but she doesn't care much about it.

She just wants her girlfriend to go back home safe and sound.

As much as she want to pick her girl up but the latter told her that she'll be back in a few minutes.

That text was sent one hour ago.

Before she could stand up, she heard their shared bedroom door were shut off loudly.

"Hmm no" She drunkenly push away the other woman that is a stranger to Tzuyu.

"Come on Sana, you want this don't you" The woman trace her lips all over Sana's exposed neck.

She finally gave in and let the woman above her do the job. The only thing Tzuyu could do is...

Letting out a tired sigh. She doesn't have the strength to move her body from her place.

Luckily there is a door on the balcony. She sigh again and didn't have a choice but to silently close the door behind her not wanting to interrupt her girlfriend moment.

Once it was closed, Tzuyu let her body fall back on the longue chair. Letting her tense body relax on the chair.

One question suddenly pop up inside her mind..

Are we still together

She didn't feel like she was in a relationship because everything changes so fast.

Their opposite personality make them feel like they are not compatible for each other.

Sana..the wild one who like to party and go out of the house.

Meanwhile Tzuyu, the introvert one who like to stay at home rather than sucking up a small amount of air in the club.

People often see them as siblings because of the similarity of their face.

Tzuyu's deep thoughts were interrupt by a loud whimper from behind the door. She thought this door is soundproof but it's not.

She want to consult with Sana about them. About their relationship. Every time she did, Sana was not at home, Sana shrugged it off and it continued day after day, weeks after weeks until now Tzuyu can't hold it anymore.

She decided to sort things out with Sana tomorrow and by that she really meant it like no turning back.

Whether they keep this relationship or go separate ways.

Tzuyu take a medium size towel that were place on top of the small table. It's enough to cover her expose long leg from the cold air.

She place her arm behind her head, folding it and lay back on the chair. Her eyes slowly began to feel heavy and she slowly fell asleep. Feeling finally in peace.

Unexpectedly it's morning already, Tzuyu stretches her back and produces a crack sound on her lower back. It was quite peaceful in the morning and she didn't plan to get up from her place because of the warm feeling.

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