25: Recovery with coffee

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While I leaved trough the pages, I ignored the blood leaking from my eyes.
Ye— it did that sometimes.

While Shigaraki and the others tried their best to do their stuff, they let me heal.
Some blood dripped on the paper and I heaved a long sigh, rubbing some off the blood away. The file was full of important info.

I would get my answers, and I know I say this a lot, but I would get them.

Toga complained about wanting a new coat as she came closer to me, rubbing the blood away herself, using Twice's napkin.
It better have been washed though.

I didn't really care as I kept on reading. There was quite some info, it was hard to read with my eyes shifting in and out of focus and I was tired.

"You'll figure it out." Toga handed me some coffee and I took a sip eagerly, burning my tongue a little.

The information I gathered was simple, the complicated stuff cast aside.

I was dealing with a group called Quantum Occurrence. One day they found someone teleporting to another dimension, from what I gathered, a child, and they based their research off it.

I took another sip of coffee.

The group was taken down recently by heroes, making me almost sure it was the same Yasuyuki was from. I wondered how they were doing, actually.
I shook my head as I wiped my long getting hair out of my face.

"The last location they were seen..." I took a sip, "I might get caught..."

Getting up, I ignored any questioning glances and I teleported.
I wouldn't be off much use to the league. Big chance I'd die in their big fight with redestro soon.
Or well, soon was one way to describe it, there was still some time to be spent.

I found myself in a forest, the quiet sounds contradicting the loud once back at the league.
With my hands in my pockets, I wondered where the hell I even was.
Was this even close to that one lab?
This did describe as a hidden place, so maybe?

I wondered around for a while, not caring where I was even going as I continued the newest updates to the Quantum Occurrence files.

Suddenly my foot got caught and I found myself falling to the ground.
Picking myself up, I cursed as I felt my sleeve getting wet. Another cut opened, just my luck.

As I looked at what had made me trip, I was about to shrug it off at 'forest' before I realised something shone from beneath the leaves.

Wiping away all the leaves, I uncovered a trap door of sorts. The metal was heavy, but after using my scarf, I got it open and climbed in, taking my scarf with me.

As the door fell closed, I relied very much on my teleportation as my escape plan.
I shuddered thinking about Chisaki's trick, the glass room better not appear here again.

Wondering the quiet hall of an abandoned lab was creepy, to say the least.
My eyes scrolled the marks on the walls, some ivy climbing on the top floor and a rat scurrying away from sight.
It was good to know that there were other ways in and out, if rats could get in, then maybe I could get out?

Walking deeper into the ground, down some stairs, I started finding different rooms. Some somehow felt vaguely familiar, like a smell I couldn't quite place.

It was like I kept an important fact away from myself as I opened door upon door, looked trough room upon room.

Suddenly I stood in a room with a single doctors chair.
I stood staring.

I could see it in my head;
A little girl, her eyes red, excitedly walking over to the chair.

'Test one of today,' the doctor told the girl what would happen, 'Are you ready?'

'Ready!' The girl cheered.

I glanced away from the chair. My eyes glanced at one of the broken glass vials fallen down all over the desk.
My eyes.

That girl's eyes.

That was a memory, wasn't it?

Rubbing my eyes, I felt more blood forming again.
Stupid nervous habits.

A curse left me. I stepped out of the room but paused.

A little girl ran trough the halls, 'Doctor, we're playing tag! You're it!'
The doctor gave her a smile. However kind it was, the girl stopped running and sighed. It wasn't time for games. It was time for another test.

Opening another door, I saw it once more.

A little girl screamed out in pain.

Another door.

The girl tried to hide, biting her fingers as if it would help the anxiety.

Another door.

I wiped some blood off my face as I found the room full of plastic.

'You want to go into the plastic room?'

The little girl looked at it blankly.
Some plastic wasn't a solid, but...

"A fucking amorphous solid."
The realisation had me shut the door.

I was that girl.
That kid.

That kid they based the research off.

I started this.

I caused this.

All of this.

I caused hurt.

I caused it.

It was my fault.






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