18: unlimited coffee

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As great as the camp was, I felt nervous for the next event.
Everyone gathered for the test of courage.

As Aizawa collected the unfortunate students who needed the extra lessons, I listened to the explanation.

Just my luck, of course, I got paired with Todoroki and Bakugo.
Actually, yes, I was lucky, I'd get to see that one scene—

We walked into the forest and some 1B students managed to scare me, though I definitely got to laugh at that one scene. In the end Bakugo got mad at me for laughing, Todoroki of course making a comment to making it worse, forcing me to laugh only more.

Finally the moment came.

Yeah, we kinda got attacked.
It sounds very boring, but that's because I stood back a bit, not wanting to get in the way of the explosions, fire, ice and shouting.

When Midoryia found us I felt both relieved and horrible at the same time.
I clutched my scarf and hid my face a bit before I felt someone grab my hand.
A hidden blush escaped my face when I noticed it was Todoroki.

—I ignored it.
Ye- I just couldn't physically handle the emotions, from confusion to screaming for various reasons.

When we moved again, in a formation, I made sure to stay back. Maybe I could save those in back from getting caught!
The plan was simple and easy.

And then suddenly I found myself surrounded by all blue.
—I paused, but then I froze up with my eyes wide.

Never did I think I'd freak out over being inside of a marble.
Yes, the freaking out was from amazement mostly, but as well was I slightly scared.

They wouldn't take me like they did Bakugo...

It wasn't like I was top of class, or villain like, so most likely I was going to be let go soon.

And so I waited, ready to move.

And I waited.

And guess what, I waited.

Was there some sort of time thing going on?
As I theorised, suddenly I found myself dropping on the ground a bit.

My eyes widened a bit when I found myself sitting in a bar, villains surrounding me with an unconscious Bakugo chained up behind them.

I sighed at the situation, "You beter have some strong fucking coffee."

This caused Dabi to start laughing as Shigaraki smiled creepily.
Toga started talking, of course about how cute I looked. I didn't, but it was still the nicest comment.
Spinner was the one who told people that I wasn't chained up, but Shigaraki shook his head as he crouched down a bit.

"Rui, right?"

I nodded.

"We found this," Shigaraki showed me a picture of me.

I sighed and took it, looking at the background.
Then I noticed it was an old picture, one taken from the different realm.
My eyes were wide as I turned the picture over, looking for clues.
"How did you get this? From who? Do you have any answers—"

"One question at a time," Shigaraki sat down on the ground and gave the others a glare to stop standing around.
Noticing it was going to be boring, the villains did.
"We found this in a lab of some sorts. The heroes raided it, so there's probably nothing there no more."

I looked at Shigaraki in wonder. He wasn't looking villain like, as he looked now. He just looked down at the ground as his hands fiddled with a lose splinter.

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