2: A Cup of Tea

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Nezu's office would be everything I'd have imagined.
As Aizawa untied me, I looked out of the window in amazement. "Is that ground gamma, over there?"

Aizawa ignored me, figures, and Nezu came in.

"Oh, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Nezu asked as he walked up to his desk, sitting down. I stepped away from the window. From where I was I could see Nezu had a stack of books he sat on... figures, he was small.

"All Might found someone on the grounds, she claims that we're supposed to be from an anime."

"Well, then," Nezu poured a cup of tea, offering me one. I gladly took it, though I knew I'd have to get more caffeine if I was going to make it through the day. "If we are all from an anime, tell me every name of everyone in this school."

I frowned, "But sir, the anime only shows part of the school."

"If you know me so well," Aizawa mumbled, "How about my class?"

I smiled, "That's the class it's all about, actually," as I listed the characters, Nezu sipped his tea.

"I can list most of class 1B as well, but I don't want to bore you."

"What's the anime about, if I may ask?" Nezu asked as he once more sipped his tea.

As I went on a rant, Nezu listened intently, Aizawa leaning against the wall bored, but I could tell he was listening.

"But more importantly," I said eventually, "If this is real, that should mean I know what can happen, I can warn you about everything."

Nezu thought about it.
"I think you have said enough."

I nodded. My throat felt dry from all the talking. If only I had friends back home to talk to, then now I'd be more used to talking.

"But, can't she help save lives? The new year only just started."

Nezu thought, "Telling us what will happen will cause reality to collapse."

My eyes widened, "You know how it all works? Doesn't that mean you can get me home?"

Shaking his head, Nezu looked down at his desk, "I don't know how you got here, but I know how to look into another's dimension, or whatever you may call it." Nezu tiredly put down his tea, "I found someone who didn't belong there, changing things from the story. Eventually I found them spoiling the story, if you can say that, and... the dimension collapsed into itself."

"What does that mean?" I asked curiously, "What happens to the people if the dimension collapses?"

Nezu shook his head, "They die."

My lips parted before I put the cup of tea to my mouth.
"You...er... make really great tea."

Nezu smiled once more as a small laugh escaped him, "Before I find a way to get you home, you will attend to my school. I think it would be smart to go to a doctor to figure out if you have a quirk."

I nodded, "What about living? Where do I sleep?"

Nezu looked at Aizawa, "I'm going to be honest, you're the only teacher I will trust to watch over a child's life more than a few hours."

Aizawa let out a sigh.
"Very well."

"What about now?" I asked Nezu.

"I'd advise seeing the doctor first, but be sure to rest as well, jumping realities must be exhausting."

I smiled, "Thank you for your understanding."

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